The following is a story by investigator reporter--the old fashioned
kind!--Bob Norman. For the complete story and profile go to and for the back story go to his blog the Daily
Pulp at the same URL.
A Portrait of Contradiction
Local leader of the Tea Party has trouble defining his own organizatiom
These are just some excerpts: (I highlighted some of the sentences in bold.)
Carrera is one of the original leaders of the Tea Party. Carrera
protested on the corner of North Federal Highway and Oakland Park
Boulevard (Fort Lauderdale) and walked neighborhoods where he left
hundreds of political packers on doors.
was a local Tea Party leader--but what was he leading? What exactly is
the Tea Party? Carrera can't seem to define it, though he takes a stab
at defining himself.
"I don't like
Republicans because they are bastards, and I don't like Democrats
because they are assholes," he told me. "I guess I consider myself a
constitutional conservative."
The Tea
Party itself has never been properly defined, least of all by those who
identify with it. I turned to Carrera to find out what the Tea Party
is--and after several hours of interviews, it turns out that, like the
movement itself, Carrera is a mass of seeming contradictions.
He's a former criminal gag member and drug addict who found G-d .
A first generation Cuban-American, he's stringently anti-immigration while at the same time representing illegal immigrants in court.
He's dead set against Mexican immigration but he supports opening the doors for Venezuelan immigrants who want to get away from leftist hugo Chavez.
He is greatly opposed to health-care reform yet he and his wife can't afford health insurance while his kids--you guessed it---get health care through a State of Florida program.
complete story and Carrera's take on Palin, Joyce Kaufman, why he has a
Confederate tattoo, what Beatles songs he uses to get pumped for
political actions and more go to: