Martin D. Goodkin


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Life & Events > Oscar Winning Queen Takes Coke (Do You Care? Lol)

Oscar Winning Queen Takes Coke (Do You Care? Lol)

Actress Helen Mirren - I used to 'love' cocaine -

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September 2, 2008

Actress Helen Mirren: I used to 'love'

Filed at 7:37 a.m. ET
LONDON (AP) -- Oscar-winning British actress Helen
said she used to love cocaine, but stopped taking the drug after
learning that a Nazi war criminal profited from the trade, according to a

The 63-year-old, who won an Academy Award for her role in ''The Queen,'' was
quoted by GQ magazine as saying she used to dabble in marijuana and cocaine when
she was younger.

''I loved coke. I never did a lot, just a little bit at parties,'' Mirren was
quoted as telling the magazine in an interview, which was made available to the
media Monday. ''But what ended it for me was when they caught (Nazi war
criminal) Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, in the early 80s. He was hiding in
South America and living off the proceeds of being a cocaine baron.

''And I read that in the paper, and all the cards fell into place, and I saw
how my little sniff of cocaine at a party had an absolute direct route to this
... horrible man in South America,'' she was quoted as saying.

Mirren also reportedly said she used to steal during what she described as a
''very poor'' youth.

''I needed to shoplift for food,'' she reportedly said, adding that while she
enjoyed ''the accoutrements of movie star life'' she still had frugal instincts,
cutting her own hair and wearing dollar-store glasses.

Mirren said she was not a royalist but had become a fan of Queen Elizabeth II
since playing her in ''The Queen.''

''It's a miracle she's never gone mad,'' Mirren was quoted as saying. ''She
is a remarkable person, who has achieved an amazing thing with a life she
neither chose for herself, nor particularly wanted.''

Mirren's interview is carried in the British edition of GQ, which goes on
sale Thursday.


posted on Sept 2, 2008 9:02 AM ()


This was quite interesting, really.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 29, 2008 8:45 PM ()
I'm not a fan of drugs but people do make mistakes. She shouldn't brag about it but make people aware of how drugs are bad for people.
comment by draco on Sept 2, 2008 10:09 AM ()
Just read this a while ago.Isn't it funny how people come out
later in life,telling what he or she did before becoming
famous.I can understand this very clearly.
Thanks for posting this.
comment by fredo on Sept 2, 2008 9:34 AM ()

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