“His girlfriend looks at his tattooed penis and tells him ‘Don’t put words into my mouth.’
“Italian and Jewish mothers are the same only Italian mothers know how to cook.”
Hasidic Jews walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. ‘Where did
you get him?’ asks a man. ‘Brooklyn, ‘ says the parrot. ‘They’ve got
thousands of them.’
Welcome to “Old Jews Tell
Jokes” at the Stage Door Theatre in Margate, Florida. You didn’t laugh
at the 3 jokes above? Wait! There are hundreds more. Too many for me to
have written more than a few as they come at you one after another.
Don’t worry if you don’t laugh at one as there will be 4 or 5 more
within the next minute. Some will be belly laughs, some will bring a
smile to your face and some will make you uncomfortable laughing but you
will laugh.
There are one-liners where you
expect to hear a drum go “da-boom’ and some a little more involved but
there isn’t a Jew, a non-Jew, a mother, father, daughter, son or any
family member that won’t get a few laughs along the way.
are ‘dirty’ jokes minus the foal language, jokes older than anyone in
the audience and jokes that have come from old Jewish comics that now
belong to everyone,
Along with the old Jews Gail
Byer and Michael H. Small there is middle aged Ben Prayz and younger
Jews Ashley Brooke and Adam Chisnall ,all who have good comic timing and
play off each other with ease. David Nagy accompanies them on the
piano. They deliver the old Borscht Belt jokes as if they were being
told and heard for the first time. Putting down a husband or a wife has
always been part of the routine and off course there has to be a joke
about the young Jewish girl and what she won’t do to the old folks and
their ailments, mainly dealing with bodily functions. Also enjoy the
film clip of Alan King milking a joke.
In a way
“Old Jews Telling Jokes” is a history lesson in comedy, and of comics,
with many laughs along the way. Sit back, relax and don’t guess at the
punchline aloud!
Leaving you with one of the many self-deprecating jokes: “Why don’t Jewish mothers drink?” They don’t want to dull the pain.”
Jews Telling Jokes” runs at the Stage Door Theatre until January 4,
2015. It runs 1 hour and 45 minutes including a 15 minute intermission.
For ticket information call the theatre at 954-344-7765
Hope you could read the intermission slide!