Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Entertainment > Movies > Noah---a Movie Review

Noah---a Movie Review

There is as much good as bad in “Noah” with good being the acting of
Russell Crowe as the title character doing a strong role convincingly
with Jennifer Connelly as his wife, repeating a role she played opposite Crowe in “A Beautiful
Mind”. Their sons are played by Douglas Booth as the eldest boy Shem,
Logan Lerman themiddle son Ham and with Leo Carroll as the youngest Japheth and Emma Watson as the adopted daughter Ila.

The central story of the bible of Noah building an Ark, taking his
family and two of every earthly creature, spending 40 days and nights at
sea and starting a new world. (I have very little knowledge about how
the world would be repopulated but I suppose that is for bible studiers
to answer.) The story has been expanded---one of the bads of the film is
the length of the movie--to include a super villain Tubal-cain, a
descendant of the Abel killer, his brother Cain, played by Ray
Winstone,--by the director Darren Aronofsky and he with co-writer Art
Handel. I am almost sure there were no such characters as The Watchers,
live rock formations, in the bible though I was told they were the
equivalent of Nephilim, supposedly fallen angels. The Watchers are
voiced by unrecognizable sounds of Frank Langella and Nick Nolte.

The watchers are the biggest waste of time--and they are a big part of
the second half--but save the director and writers explaining how the
Ark was built and how the creatures were gathered. The use of special
effects is becoming an excuse not to explain things in movies and
bringing a certain unreality to the screen.

The production values are first rate and even the musical score never overtakes the story.

“Noah” is neither a good or bad movie though it is good to see Russell
Crowe handling a deep role with ease as he did in his early days but
even with that though Moses will always be Charlton Heston, Crowe may
not always be Noah.

posted on Mar 28, 2014 5:00 PM ()


yes,Charlton Heston will always be Noah.I may pass on this.Will see.Thank you for the review.
comment by fredo on Mar 29, 2014 8:20 AM ()
I used to enjoy motion pictures like this that are based on myths.
comment by jondude on Mar 29, 2014 3:58 AM ()
Where is Cecil B. DeMille when you need him? LOL
reply by greatmartin on Mar 29, 2014 9:15 AM ()
I think special effects should be so good we don't realize they are there. Watching the lame ones, I feel like they take one woman and one man and then digitally clone them 1000 times each to make a crowd scene, but you can still see that it's the same person over and over.
comment by troutbend on Mar 28, 2014 8:20 PM ()
Most movies today have too many special effects!!!
reply by greatmartin on Mar 28, 2014 8:24 PM ()

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