Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > I'm in the Money!

I'm in the Money!

Ginger Rogers dancing to and singing "I'm in the money" and that's just what I feel like doing!!!!

Sometimes it is scary how life is just going along on an even ride and then all of a sudden things turn good or bad--well, it started yesterday and everywhere I turn it is like I am finding gold!

As many of you know I have been selling Morgan silver dollars for John on ebay and he volunteered to give me 15% of the sales--I didn't ask but I certainly didn't (and won't refuse--let's just say I have made over $300!!

Then last night, finally after getting 3 out of 4 numbers 9 times out of 10 days I finally hit the Play4--okay, it was boxed, not straight (I think even the lottery is trying to tell me something!!) I collected $400 today.

I, also, bought 5 scratch off tickets and won 2 free tickets and $25.

This morning the 10 frozen dinners I get every month from my HMO was delivered.

And I still have that $300 'stimulus' rebate coming next month.

Then via e-mail I got notice that I can get a free ice cream cone at Ben & Jerry's (so can you--just go to their site)plus a 'pick 3' (an appetizer, a main course and a dessert) at Bennigan's for $8.99.

Oh, did I forget that Babs gave me a NY cheesecake AND a bread pudding???

Now my problem of course is that money burns a hole in my pocket BUT I am aware that the touring company of "A Chorus Line" is coming in 10 months and I want to see a few performances when it is here so I put some money away for that (now I have to forget where I put it!! LOL) and I, also, want to get a new computer tower.

With all that I still have a few dollars left over after buying the scratch off ticket and quick pick tickets for the Lotto tonight (the jackpot is over $17 mil), Fantasy5, Mega money (jackpot is over $800,000--right, Deb? She did dream that I won thousands and with my winning streak who knows?) plus a Play 3 and a Play 4 so Allen and I went out for lunch at the Sea Watch. It is an upscale seafood restaurant built right on the beach--okay food but a lot of ambiance and a place to take tourists or just to have a relaxing afternoon watching the ocean and the waves topped by a blue sky with cotton candy clouds. (Though the dessert we had was blah!!)

I then decided to go to Linen 'N Things where I bought a bright red towel bathroom set with a bathroom rug to match plus a couple of firm pillows for the bed.

Now I home with the rest of the money hidden away--until I get the stimulus rebate so I can buy that new tower--hey, I want to help the economy--it is my duty as an American citizen!

Right now I am floating on one those gorgeous clouds--who says money can't buy happiness?? NOT ME!!!

posted on Apr 16, 2008 4:40 PM ()


Woohoo!!! How nice to suddenly find that some money has come your way!
comment by donnamarie on Apr 20, 2008 12:47 PM ()
I do not play the scratch tickets.What for.Nothing that I need.
I am rich in life and love.
comment by fredo on Apr 17, 2008 4:18 AM ()
Okay, tell me what numbers you are playing!!!!! I won $4 on a $1 scratch off today -- did nothing on Mega. Trying to do Lotto tonight. I hope some of your luck rubs off on me!
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 16, 2008 5:16 PM ()
time for a trip to VEGAS!!
comment by saito56 on Apr 16, 2008 5:05 PM ()
good to hear about your good luck. I need to take you to a casino before it runs out..
comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 16, 2008 4:43 PM ()

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