Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Food & Drink > Midici--a Restaurant Review

Midici--a Restaurant Review


I should have followed my instincts after reading  about Midici--my immediate reaction was that it was another Flash Fire Pizza and/or Pizza Fusion and basically that was what it was! It may be bigger, brighter and newer but, unlike other reviewers I saw no hint of 'full service available' which I would have done because I am not into that new trend of in-between full service and fast food.

"Hooked us up with tons of delicious service'"? Not when I was there. "The Staff is super friendly"? They weren't rude or anything but not even friendly though the cashier, who also brought our pies over, had a nice smile and did check back to see if we were doing okay.

Allen, who uses a cane, complained that the straws, soda machine, condiments, etc., were on the other side of the very long room and should either be placed on each side or in the center, though it isn't designed that way. (Where is the full service when you need it?) He did love the tree growing in the dining room though he wasn't sure if it was real even if it was planted in the ground. :O)

Let's get down to the bottom line which is the pizza we ordered, both of us having the Margarita red marinara pizza ($7.50 each) and diet cokes ($2.50 each)

On a little card served on the plate with the pizza it said, "Our signature dough--light, thin, soft, chewy with a high airy crust' was all that but, sorry, I like fat, heavy, chewy crust. Also I like a heavy sauce and cheese but was not aware that there wasn't cheese on the regular pizza--my bad but... To me the pizza was more of an appetizer with drinks, if I was having beer or alcohol.

 At the first I thought the $7.50 was a reasonable  price but without cheese and a very, very cracker thin like crust along with the lightest of sauces I am not sure about that now.

Now don't get me wrong as I am not saying Midici's is 'bad' but it is just not for MY tastes.

By the way it does have one of the classiest men's room I have seen in a long time!

In their favor I didn't see a television though their music was a couple of beats too loud for an almost empty room.


PS I have received a few very nice comments from the manager Mike, not at all combative or defensive.

posted on June 7, 2017 9:30 AM ()


Fortunately, I don't have to decide whether to go or not.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 9, 2017 6:04 AM ()
It is the start of a franchise--on its way to you!!
reply by greatmartin on June 9, 2017 7:53 AM ()

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