If I had to pick a decade as the best in my life it would have to be October 1969 when I arrived in Memphis until September 1979 when I left.
I was at my best physically, mentally, emotionally and financially and I discovered a world I never knew--the deep south.
These are just a few of the pictures I have from that time--remember selfies weren't known then LOL--and some of the friends I had. Each picture is a story of their own, never to be forgotten and it would take me a decade to tell you about each one!
There is my townhouse on Park Avenue, the ducks marching in the Peabody hotel, my going into business, the Pink Palace, the Rendezvous Room for ribs, my 10th Leap Year birthday at the Memphis Hilton with a complete Prime Rib dinner, a jazz cocktail hour, a 20 piece band and, yes, that's a carrot cake along with dancing the night away!
There are many pictures, but more important people from that time, that aren't in this film--maybe in part 2 if/when I do it. Memphis/Chattanooga wouldn't be Memphis/Chattanooga without Chuck, Johnny, Nina, Ladye, Marge, Barbara, Clara, Bonnie just to name a few.
This City Slicker from New York City was completely taken in by that Southern charm--never to be forgotten!