Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > To a Man Turnign 30--happy Birthday

To a Man Turnign 30--happy Birthday


have been going over old blogs with intentions of deleting them when I
came across this one that I wrote 7 years ago to a fellow blogger--he
has come a  long since 2006 and is leading a life by example for those
coming up behind him!

your 30s won't be as tumultrious as mine were but from what I have
read, and talking to other men, it is 10 years of many changes.My 30s
were a remarkable decade on a rollar coaster ride--I went from being a
little fish in a HUGE pond to a HUGE fish in a small pond then back to
the little fish in a HUGE pond again.

IF I had to pick one decade of my life that was the most interesting it would be the 30s.

started off living in a very cramped studio apartment in NYC working as
a waiter, spending every tip I made on booze and crusing--2 years later
I was living in a magnificent townhouse in Memphis netting $90, 000 a
year (remember this is 1970s money) with ALL expenses (food, clothes,
car, etc.) paid for by the company.
I was interviewed on TV, the radio, in newspapers and magazines--traveling all over the States and the world.
years later I was in a very messy business, and relationship, divorce
(too bad palimony wasn't around then!) including appearances in court. I
left the business and opened my own.
Left the lover/hater and met another.
I went through TA therapy (that's when I read "Passages") and learned who I was.
was really at my peak physically--lost 100+ pounds (thank god for being
young and the skin 'elastic')--modestly, a HUNK! And it was the time of
real big changes in men's clothing--see through shirts and
trousers--but then there was the Neru suit.
I stopped lying--a big issue for my first 29 years.
started to give up improbable dreams and faced reality. I became a man
instead of remaining a boy. (If you aren't familiar with it try to read
or listen to the Charles Aznavour, a French singer and actor, "What Is A
Man?" Or Paul's--in "A Chorus Line"--monologue about discovering what a
man is and there not being many.)
The 30s are the time you want to show the world what you have acquired--I was doing 'bling' before it was fashionable.
most important questions I had--looking at myself, my friends, my
world--were: 1) Is this what I want? 2) What do I want? By the time I
reached 40 I knew the answers to both questions.

The only advice I
can give you as you reach your 30s is to start taking care and being
serious about your health--what you do or don't do in your 30s will
start showing up in your mid 50s to 60s.

Life goes faster as you
get older so enjoy your 30s--the bad, the good and the ugly--get ready
for changes--I wish you only the good!

posted on Nov 19, 2013 3:09 PM ()


Turnign is pronounced the same way as 'sign.' Next year the New Oxford Dictionary will announce it is the word of the year. I'd never heard of "selfie" meaning sending a picture of ourselves on Twitter or some other social media, but now it's the word of the year.
comment by troutbend on Nov 20, 2013 5:31 PM ()
Yes I read that--supposedly started on a tweet in Australia--selfie is a kid's word--I tried to take a 'selfie' and could never get a decent piocture but I'm not a kid!!! (Welllllllllll)
reply by greatmartin on Nov 20, 2013 6:51 PM ()
The biggest getting older surprise for me was how fast time flies; must mean we're having fun, right?
comment by troutbend on Nov 20, 2013 2:19 PM ()
I just realized I spelled turning wrong--must be age!!!
Wasn't it just 1995 yesterday?????
reply by greatmartin on Nov 20, 2013 3:01 PM ()
I always wonder what type of advice our older selves would give our younger, and would we too stubborn to accept that advice. I have a laundry list of things I would have liked to let myself in on, and I think at the top of the list would have been to study harder & smarter in school. I wasn't an idiot but I wasted a lot of potential by just eking through instead of reaching farther.
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 19, 2013 7:24 PM ()
Most young people don't listen to older people because 1)They know it all (just ask them!) 2) They won't make the same mistakes we did (Just ask them) 3)They will never get old (Remember over 30 is OLD to them)4) And they would never tell younger people what to do or how to do it!! "When I was your age"--will be coming out of their mouth!!
Why can't we be that smart when we get old????
reply by greatmartin on Nov 19, 2013 8:26 PM ()

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