have been going over old blogs with intentions of deleting them when I
came across this one that I wrote 7 years ago to a fellow blogger--he
has come a long since 2006 and is leading a life by example for those
coming up behind him!
have been going over old blogs with intentions of deleting them when I
came across this one that I wrote 7 years ago to a fellow blogger--he
has come a long since 2006 and is leading a life by example for those
coming up behind him!
your 30s won't be as tumultrious as mine were but from what I have
read, and talking to other men, it is 10 years of many changes.My 30s
were a remarkable decade on a rollar coaster ride--I went from being a
little fish in a HUGE pond to a HUGE fish in a small pond then back to
the little fish in a HUGE pond again.
your 30s won't be as tumultrious as mine were but from what I have
read, and talking to other men, it is 10 years of many changes.My 30s
were a remarkable decade on a rollar coaster ride--I went from being a
little fish in a HUGE pond to a HUGE fish in a small pond then back to
the little fish in a HUGE pond again.
IF I had to pick one decade of my life that was the most interesting it would be the 30s.
started off living in a very cramped studio apartment in NYC working as
a waiter, spending every tip I made on booze and crusing--2 years later
I was living in a magnificent townhouse in Memphis netting $90, 000 a
year (remember this is 1970s money) with ALL expenses (food, clothes,
car, etc.) paid for by the company.
I was interviewed on TV, the radio, in newspapers and magazines--traveling all over the States and the world.
years later I was in a very messy business, and relationship, divorce
(too bad palimony wasn't around then!) including appearances in court. I
left the business and opened my own.
Left the lover/hater and met another.
I went through TA therapy (that's when I read "Passages") and learned who I was.
was really at my peak physically--lost 100+ pounds (thank god for being
young and the skin 'elastic')--modestly, a HUNK! And it was the time of
real big changes in men's clothing--see through shirts and
trousers--but then there was the Neru suit.
I stopped lying--a big issue for my first 29 years.
started to give up improbable dreams and faced reality. I became a man
instead of remaining a boy. (If you aren't familiar with it try to read
or listen to the Charles Aznavour, a French singer and actor, "What Is A
Man?" Or Paul's--in "A Chorus Line"--monologue about discovering what a
man is and there not being many.)
The 30s are the time you want to show the world what you have acquired--I was doing 'bling' before it was fashionable.
most important questions I had--looking at myself, my friends, my
world--were: 1) Is this what I want? 2) What do I want? By the time I
reached 40 I knew the answers to both questions.
The only advice I
can give you as you reach your 30s is to start taking care and being
serious about your health--what you do or don't do in your 30s will
start showing up in your mid 50s to 60s.
Life goes faster as you
get older so enjoy your 30s--the bad, the good and the ugly--get ready
for changes--I wish you only the good!