Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Nothing Left on My 'Bucket List'?

Nothing Left on My 'Bucket List'?

Do you remember the first time you heard/used the term bucket list? It seems everywhere you turn someone is mentioning and/or talking about their bucket list. I decided to make up one for myself and after 3 hours looking at a blank sheet of paper and my mind racing all over the place I discovered I don’t have a bucket list, that I have done everything I wanted to and whatever I would put on a list would be more of a dream than a reality.

Sure I would love to win the lottery and I even buy tickets every week but does that go on a bucket list?

I would like to ride a horse but that isn’t something that is going to happen at my age and with my health.

I would like to visit New Zealand AGAIN but been there, done that!

I’ve written books, had many articles published and wrote a weekly news column, written a dining out column for a magazine.

Six years ago I became a professional theatre reviewer which I had dreamed about since I was 13.

I was very wealthy for a decade.

As I went along in life I did things I wanted to do as they came up for good or bad but all were experiences and many would be on my bucket list today if I had thought twice and didn’t do them back in the day.

I’ve seen the best of entertainers perform live, saw the famous of stage and met a movie star here and there.

Oh sure I would love to have a red convertible again but does that go on a bucket or wish list?

If I had my choice of doing anything I wanted to do tomorrow it would be the same as I did yesterday or last week or that I have done in the past decade.

Yes I hope to have more new experiences but none that I would consider part of a bucket list—hope when you are 81 you can say the same!

After I wrote this I wondered where ‘bucket list’ came from so I went to and came up with the following, surprised that it is a fairly new expression!

posted on June 28, 2017 9:30 AM ()


It's an admirable quality to be content with how things turned out instead of wishing for more.
comment by troutbend on June 28, 2017 1:40 PM ()
My life is good!
reply by greatmartin on June 29, 2017 8:30 PM ()

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