Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
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Entertainment > Movies > A Late Quartet--movie Review

A Late Quartet--movie Review

week it was loud rock and roll music on stage for an hour and 45
minutes in “Million Dollar Quartet” and today it was an hour and 45
minutes of classical music on the screen in “A Late Quartet”. The latter
had a name cast with some standout performances and a much deeper

(Philip Seymour Hoffman), his wife Juliette (Catherine Keener), along
with Peter (Christopher Walken) and Daniel (Mark Ivanir) are celebrating
their 25th anniversary playing  in a string quartet that has taken them
all over the world. The whole dynamics of the four is pulled asunder
when Peter is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease bringing out
jealousies, resentments, betrayal and infidelity.

screenplay by Seth Grossman and Yaron Zilberman, the latter also
directing, show how a quartet must work and play together to bring a
harmony to the music that is flawless. The instruments of the musicians
play off their feelings, emotions and yet they must reign them in so
they will sound as one.

there are other minor characters the fifth member of the major roles is
played by Imogene Poots as Alexandria, the daughter of Robert and
Juliette, who tells her mother what it has meant to be growing up with
parents who traveled 7 months of the year. Poots arises to the acting
challenge with Keener in this scene but otherwise she  is either miscast
or directed well.

the 4 stars I was most disappointed by Christopher Walken who isn’t
aging well and really gives Donald Trump a run for his money in the hair
department. He does have a very touching scene near the end that brings
the audience to tears though a lot of logic has to be checked at the
door.  Philip Seymour Hoffman plays a more quiet role than he usually
does and won me over completely which isn’t always the case. I am not
familiar with Mark Ivanir but he certainly impressed me in this role.
(Except for his 5 o’clock shadow beard which so many actors feel it is
necessary to have these days. In the scene where Hoffman shaves you
almost want to applaud this simple act!)

best of the cast is Catherine Keener as mother, wife and viola player
of the quartet. She has scenes with each of the leads and your eyes are
on her in those scenes.

classical music is an integral part of the movie never overpowering the
actors or story but adding to each scene. The main piece of music,
Beethoven’s Quartet in C sharp minor, opus 131, is played by The
Brentano String Quartet. I believe in the magic of movies and I want to
think it is the actors who are truly playing the instruments and it is
made believable enough to think that is what’s happening.

Late Quartet” is a ‘small’ art theatre film that will hold everyones
interest for its playing time and, as a by product will introduce many
to what is called chamber music.



posted on Nov 12, 2012 6:14 PM ()


I just watched this wonderful film. I can't agree with you re Walken. I found his performance touching and perfectly nuanced as the guy at the center of the plot just as Beethoven's magnificent opus 131 was the centerpiece of the story. Strictly by coincidence, I had listened to that string quartet the day before, as it's one of my favorite pieces. I agree that Catherine Keener was excellent in her role. The scene that touched me even more than the final one on stage was just before that when Walken was remembering his late wife and listening to her sing that beautiful aria. Life's tender vicissitudes really played out in this movie; impossible not to be very moved by it.
comment by steve on Feb 15, 2013 1:07 PM ()
verah cool. did you know that Phillip Seymour Hoffman was from Rochester?My old stomping groud. His mama is/was a judge.

yer its a small world afterall pal
comment by honeybugg on Nov 13, 2012 7:37 AM ()
So why didn't you grab him and make his life worthwhile!
I love you and miss you!
reply by greatmartin on Nov 13, 2012 8:00 AM ()

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