Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > I Know Just How He Feels!

I Know Just How He Feels!

John Hits Heart Surgery Recovery Doldrums

I just received a troubled email from John that illustrates a frustrating
challenge for some patients following surgery - total, complete energy loss.
Here is what John writes:
Dear Adam,
Thank you for your concern for us valve patients. I had heart valve surgery
April 29, 2008. I had no symptoms of the level 4, severe
mitral valve regurgitation
up until the operation. But, after three
opinions, everyone told me I needed this operation. Two days prior to the
operation, I was using my push mower for an hour at a time with no fatigue or
shortness of breath.
Heart Surgery Recovery - Tired, Exhausted, Sleepy

Now, over 6 months later I am not gaining my stamina back. No one told me
this would be the case. The doctors and nurses only told me I needed this
operation. I feel faint often. It takes me 2 or 3 different days to mow my lawn
as I get tired quickly. I feel like I am regressing instead of progressing. Have
you heard of this complaint before? The doctors say the echo and surgery is
perfect. If I had known this would be the side effect, I might not have had the
surgery. — John

posted on Nov 21, 2008 4:53 PM ()


This take time to heal.
Your body is in real shock when this happen.
I guess it did not take me too long.
As you know I played tennis shortly after.
I do strongly believed that rehab help me to get my strength back.
But not sure what shape the person is.
As you know that I have been very active in physical exercise etc.
Played tennis three days a week.This helped me a lot.
Sorry,to hear that he is having problems.But he will recover fast.
Think that you are right on depression.This I did not have.
comment by fredo on Nov 22, 2008 6:31 AM ()
Dear John,

Thank your lucky stars you are alive, and hire a kid to mow the lawn.
It can take up to a year to bounce back from heart surgery.
Look for the mended hearts groups, and you will find people who understand what you've been through, and are going through now.
Are you going to physical therapy?
You have to give your body time to heal. Sleep helps.

comment by thestephymore on Nov 21, 2008 5:17 PM ()

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