Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Entertainment > Movies > The Internship--movie Review

The Internship--movie Review

Internship” runs for 118 minutes and if you walk in at the the 90
minute mark you will leave feeling good and not feel as if you had
missed anything as to up that mark you know the movie and what is going
to happen.

Internship is a full blown love letter to Google and will make you want
to work there starting tomorrow.  Who wouldn’t want to work in a place
where all the food you want to eat and drink is free, you can go from
one floor down to another using a slide and one place to another with
free bikes not to forget the nap-pods if you want a quick snooze?

(Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) find themselves, unexpectedly,
out of work and Billy comes across information that Google will be
hiring internships for the summer. As hard as 20 year old smart college
graduates finds it getting a job men in their mid-40s have it rougher.
The film is about the older generation competing with the younger
Internet whizzes and you know who is going to teach what to whom. Billy
and Nick find themselves in a team consisting of 3 other interns (Tiya
Sircar, Tobit Raphael and Dylan O’Brien) supervised by a Google kid,
more than man, Josh Brener, who must come in number 1 in order to get
the internship.  There are many teams who want to win, one in particular
 lead by a bully played by actor Max Minghella, that looks like they
will win.

Not really! You know who will win, who will get their comeuppance and
who will wind up with workaholic  executive Rose Byrne just as you know
who will win the competition. It is a Hollywood ending which will leave
you smiling and that is the purpose of this movie. The serious issues of
old versus young, nerds versus feel good salesmen and how hard it is to
get a job for any generation in today’s world.

Internship” is rated PG-13 for the expected language, crude party humor
along with some sexuality but none as bad as it could have been. The
direction by Shawn Levy and the screenplay by Vince Vaughn and Jared
Stern along with most of the other production values are pedestrian.

Francisco, along with the Golden Gate bridge, are made to shine but not
as brightly as the Google headquarters inside and out and all the perks
that go along with working at/for Google.

posted on June 7, 2013 6:06 PM ()


Not my kind of movie.This is for the bubble gum crowd.
comment by fredo on June 8, 2013 5:26 AM ()

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