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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > 3 Million Homeless Youth in USA

3 Million Homeless Youth in USA





, New Left


At the Ali Forney Center in New York City, the country’s largest organization
dedicated to housing LGBT youth, they host parties and dispense gifts, but it’s
a poor substitute for family.

“We work hard to make Christmas as joyful as possible,” says Executive
Director Carl Siciliano, “But we only have the resources to provide 57
, and in the entire city there are fewer than 300 beds for
a homeless youth population that numbers 3,800 per night.”

The Center for American Progress estimates that there are as many as
three million homeless youth in the United States, and a
disproportionate 20-40 percent of them identify as LGBT. Of that
subgroup, the vast majority are African-American or Latino.

They are thrown out of their homes by families who do not
accept them, or they flee fearing ridicule or retribution. It is
estimated that 1 in 4 gay youth experience homelessness after coming out to
their families.

In New York City, the average age that gay or lesbian youth become
homeless is 14 years old. For transgender youth, it is 13.

Most homeless youth sleep in city parks, subways, and other public
For those not fortunate enough to find shelter, the
experience is unspeakable. Most find little choice but to engage in “survival
sex,” trading their bodies for money, food, drugs, or a place to stay—sleeping
in a stranger’s bed is better than sleeping in the deadly cold.

As a result, homeless LGBT youth show significantly higher rates of
HIV infection and are more frequently the victims of rape.

More than 60% attempt suicide.
It’s difficult for me to imagine a greater suffering within our
than that experienced by abandoned LGBT youth. We should make
protecting them a top priority, and fight aggressively to sustain environments
where LGBT youth can be housed and supported without fearing attack or

Under George W. Bush, federal tax dollars were denied to such

The Obama administration recognized the problem and reversed course,
listing LGBT youth as a specific target group in its fight against homelessness
and providing funding to organizations like the Ali Forney Center.

 NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is slashing funding for homeless youth
programs. The two drop-in centers for LGBT youth are having their budgets cut by
50%, and the street outreach programs are being eliminated

To donate to the Ali Forney Center and help the kids they support
have a better holiday season, please donate at

Chase Whiteside is a guest columnist at while John
Corvino, “The Gay Moralist,” is on break.  Whiteside is one half of the
documentary film organization New Left Media:

posted on Jan 5, 2011 1:54 PM ()


We worked in a shelter in San Diego, CA. for first time run-aways. Mostly upped class and Caucasian. Education, education! Not only about birth control also about the fact children are a life-time commitment!
comment by anacoana on Jan 6, 2011 8:15 AM ()
Every November, we hold charity night called 'Children in Need'. It raises millions of pounds by various means and make sure the cash is actually 'used' to help the teenage 'down and outs' sleeping rough etc. to get them back on the straight and narrow. It helps kids full stop. It hasn't stopped it completely though.

comment by augusta on Jan 5, 2011 2:21 PM ()
We need more awareness of this problem. As Fredo said, if we can give billions to help Haiti, why do we still have this problem in the U.S.?
comment by timetraveler on Jan 5, 2011 2:18 PM ()
this is what confused me.They got out and help these people in Haiti and other country and why do they not help these people in America.
Why do they run all over the country to help,but here do not.
I do not object for them to help,but these are our children.
The same thing with adoption.Why do people adopt children in foreign country and not here.Yes,I know we have stricter rule.Pitts and Jolie adopt all the foreign children but not American.Doesn/t seem right.Just saying.
Just want to make a name for themself.
We should be helping our own.Good post there and I know that they need a lot of help there.So where is Jolie,Clooney,etc.Phonies.
comment by fredo on Jan 5, 2011 2:09 PM ()

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