Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > "Help! I've Fallen & I Can't Get Up!" Gadgets

"Help! I've Fallen & I Can't Get Up!" Gadgets

After falling off the recliner (which I still don't know how that happened with those wide arm sides) and waking up an hour and a half later in a pool of blood and, instead of calling 911, I crawled to my bedroom, leaving a trail of blood, got up on my bed and, after falling off it 3 times, decided to stay on the floor and sleep there! (Stop laughing!)

I woke up the next day, and seeing the trail of blood and still bleeding, I finally got smart and called 911 the next day December 20! I stayed in the hospital getting an IV for a bacterial infection---that's a whole other story--until December 29 and came home where I continued the IV eventually having to learn how to administer the equipment and giving it to myself.

I had been looking at these 'help I've fallen and can't get up' gadgets for awhile and in the mail I got an ad for a 'special' gadget to help you when you fall which was selling for $149 instead of $299.99 and no monthly payments whereas most companies selling like gadgets also charged a monthly charge anywhere from $14 to $20+. This one can be clipped on your belt or worn around you neck.

Most times I will read reviews on things I am buying just to get an idea of what to expect but I didn't with this which was a error on my part! It came within 2 weeks and I quickly opened the package and, yes I did, I read the instructions in the booklet that came with it. I had a problem with the wire that came with it that you attached to the gadget so you can wear it around your neck at home and/or when you go out. I didn't know about the latter because, as I said, you could also clip it on your belt but I figured I would hook it up to wear at home so I didn't have to carry my phone from room to room. Cutting to the chase let's say the wire and I didn't get along!

That wasn't the major problem because, as I said, it had that clip on BUT I failed to read one important piece of information that, yes, was included in the ad, included in the booklet, and the reviews I finally read. It finally dawned on me it wasn't what I wanted because when I fell and was out for some time I would have to press the button on the gadget and it would connect me to 911 but they wouldn't have my location! I would have to tell them my address so they could relay it to the emergency motor transportation. Oh, so that's why you had to pay the other companies! When you fell their gadget would connect to whoever (not sure) and they would automatically know where I lived, including my apartment number, and my phone number and would have been there before I woke up and crawled into my bedroom. It might have even saved me from having that bacterial infection and having to go to an infectious disease doctor and learn that I would have to take pills for the rest of my life (which by the way were to cause me problems and had to be changed a month later!)

I did send the "Fast Help" back---I had to pay $8 for mailing and they deducted for P & H so of the $162+ I paid them it cost me $21 for something I can't use. Yes, I realize that $21 would have paid a month if I fell and had the right gadget! A case of 'penny wise, pound foolish'

Anyone know of a 'I've fallen and can't get up' gadget that works when you fall, can't press a button and doesn't cost too much a month???

posted on Apr 3, 2022 3:53 PM ()


This was sure scary. And now I feel educated about the details of those devices. Never thought about how they need a whole backup system.
comment by drmaus on Apr 4, 2022 8:33 PM ()
Some--the more expensive ones of course---can detect a fall and do the notifying without you doing anything. I am going to talk to my insurance company as I understand some supply those types!
reply by greatmartin on Apr 4, 2022 8:52 PM ()
Well, this just reminds me that we are all getting up in years if this is what you're talking about instead of carrot cake and streaming reviews and other fun things. I don't know the answer, but if I come across something, I'll let you know. Hope things are going better for you.
comment by traveltales on Apr 3, 2022 8:21 PM ()
I feel good---look good BUT the doctors say I am sick!! What do they know? They are just 'practicing' medicine!!
reply by greatmartin on Apr 3, 2022 9:14 PM ()

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