a city boy I am pretty proud of myself--I even learned the BIG mistake I
made!! For those who don't know I bought some vegetable seeds at the
Dollar Tree store at the end of March. I did make the mistake of
planting too many seeds in one container (1) and then not thinning them
out as they started to grow--oh well there is always next year. In the
meanwhile Anacoana posted a blog telling how to cut off the
bottoms of onions and Romaine lettuce and grow them in water (2) which I
did with much success. Last week I gave my neighbor Irene down-
-stairs, who has a garden out back, a couple of the (4) Romaine cores
that I had started in water--looking forward to how they grow!
I clipped off all the turnip and beet leaves, chopped them, washed them
and threw them in a bowl. I took the home grown onion that showed tall
scallion type leaves and 3 of the Romaine stalks (s) chopped them and
added to the bowl. I sprinkled all with chopped garlic, pepper, olive
oil and apple vinegar, tossed them well, chilled the bowl and had a
delicious salad with dinner.
is a big avocado tree in 'my' backyard and about 2 years ago we got
75-80 avocados from the tree--last year nothing! A couple of weeks ago
JOhn noticed a few growing (6) and though I don't think we will have as
large a crop this year we should get enough to satisfy!!!
WOW!!! Next thing you know this lil ole boy from the Bronx will be growing wheat to make homemade pasta and bread!!!
body sometimes feel sore, but it works--so far! I don't sleep well (not
true) most nights, but I do wake up to fight another day. My wallet is
not full but my stomach is-- too full at times! I don't have all the
things ever wanted but I do have everything I need. I'm thankful
because although my life is by no means perfect, it's my life and I am
happy---and gay!"
don't know who wrote the above--and I did add a few words--but it was
in this month's Gateway Gazette and I wanted to share it as it is
exactly how I feel--almost!