1) Dock at the 15th Street Fisheries where we celebrated Philippe’s birthday
2,3,5,6) Queen Crepe Myrtle before and after rains
4) Doctor’s office—he has some of the most interesting cactus plants
7) Lillies
8) MY green peppers—all of a sudden the seeds I planted are producing like crazy!
9,10,11,12) Around Gateway
13) Staghorn Fern outside the office at Gateway
14) At The Point—my favorite place to relax
15) Working on my collage—should get it done by 2020!
16) Allen’s car parked at the Sea Watch where we took Philippe for his birthday!
Sorry but I forgot to number the pictures!
Though summer officially starts today our temperatures have been in the 90s for a few days already and the humidity, because of the daily rains during rainy season, is high—glasses fog up when you walk outside---but I love the heat and humidity!