Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Entertainment > Movies > Can You Ever Forgive Me?--movie Review

Can You Ever Forgive Me?--movie Review

Every comedian/comedienne wants to also be known as a dramatic actor who can handle the ‘heavy’ parts and as in “St. Vincent” playing opposite Bill Murray giving a hint of the possibility in “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” Melissa McCarthy leaves no doubt she can handle the full spectrum of acting. From bleak humor to alternating between sympathy, hostility and empathy letting us into the character’s heart and mind, to deadpan and bitchy remarks we see a whole human being who though not likable makes us feel, understand and care for her.

Based on a true story about author Lee Israel, whose film title is based on her book of the same name, adapted by screenwriters Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty, McCarthy plays the author who had some limited fame as a biographer of celebrities and finds herself alone, broke, with an agent who won’t take her calls. She lives alone with a 12-year-old sick cat, is an alcoholic and just by chance or possibly just because of her love of books Lee enters the world of literary letters and the money that can be made from selling them.

Lee, drinking in a bar, meets Jack Hock, a gay man, recently let out of prison, who seems to live on the streets by his wits soon lives with her aiding and abetting her in this new escapade that she seems to be doing very well with financially. Richard E. Grant, playing Jack, is a great match opposite McCarthy and even more sly and cunning in carrying off the sting on bookstore owners and collectors.

Very few people seem to have heard of Lee Israel which makes for a more interesting story, discovering a person, who she was and what she did. Along the way we meet Jane Curtain as Lee’s agent, Anna Deavere Smith part of her past that helps us explain, partially, Lee’s being alone in life, a bookshop owner, played by Dolly Wells, who start to become part of her present, Stephen Spinella and Ben Falcone as collectors and sellers of letters, with the former ending the film on quite an ironic note.

Why the producers are keeping it almost an unknown in previews that Lee Israel was a lesbian and Jack Hock a very ‘out’ gay man, who has a meaningful scene with a gay waiter played by Christian Navarro, is somewhat of a mystery as if they think it will keep some of the audience away though it is a very small part of the screen story and certainly director Marielle Heller keeps it far out of the X rated range. There are a few repetitive scenes that she has in the film that slows it down unnecessarily.

The jazz sounding track along with songs sung by Julie London, Blosson Dearie, Dinah Washington, Billie Holiday and others add to the feelings of a mostly cold New York trying to keep warm whether by clothes, color or music.

“Can You Ever Forgive Me” should earn McCarthy an Oscar nomination and it wouldn’t be surprising if Grant gets a nomination too. The film is a mood piece with very little action or showy acting scenes but it does take us into the woman who was Lee Israel and why she did what she did and why she felt she accomplished something she never would have otherwise.

Be sure to stay for the sometimes funny end credits.

Movie trailer

posted on Nov 9, 2018 4:13 PM ()


Trying to contact.What happen on mylot
comment by fredo on Apr 15, 2020 9:43 AM ()
Hm, this sounds good! Looking forward to seeing it.
comment by traveltales on Nov 10, 2018 6:26 PM ()
It i a good story
reply by greatmartin on Nov 10, 2018 7:31 PM ()
this is great .should be very interesting.Thank you much for the review.We love you
comment by fredo on Nov 10, 2018 1:53 PM ()
As my ex use to say "Don't applaud--just send money!"
reply by greatmartin on Nov 10, 2018 2:40 PM ()
On my must see list. I have always loved Melissa McCarthy and the pathos she gives even to her comedic parts. I am not surprised at her acting ability.
comment by elderjane on Nov 10, 2018 6:18 AM ()
I was getting tired of her movie comedies, written by her husband, so I'm glad she did to show she still has 'it'!
reply by greatmartin on Nov 10, 2018 8:27 AM ()

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