Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Food Glorious Food!

Food Glorious Food!


LOVE food! I LOVE talking about food! I LOVE touching food! I LOVE
serving food! I LOVE making food! I LOVE(D) working in restaurants! I

I subscribe to food magazines, read cookbooks, even
wrote and published 2 of them in the 1970s--I can/do get 'high' from
these activities.

I would be the first to admit that I have been
obsessed with food 24/7 for 70+ years. I never met a food I didn't
like--well, that's not quite true. I had oyster plant once and wouldn't
have it again. Also, I don't particularly like coconut--though I will
eat it in a cake, pie, dessert, curry, etc.--but everything else is fair
game--oh, I might leave the jellied candies for last but I will eat

What brings this blog about?  Every Thursday at 1:30
PM--who says I'm in a rut?--I  do my weekly food shopping and when we
left my friend Allen said he has never seen anyone as happy as I am in a

I, basically, buy the same things every week but
varying them--like for main courses I will buy fish, chicken, beef or
veal, etc.--and my latest diet 'treat'--100 calorie packages of
popcorn--soda--ground beef and cheese for my Thursday evening treat of
cheeseburgers--4-6 heads of different lettuces for salad--decaffeinated
coffee--orange juice--canned and/or frozen unsalted veggies--fruit--hot
sauce--Mrs. Dash's seasonings and so fourth--I may, occasionally, buy a

(I spend around $40 a week on groceries--not counting
what I spend eating out--this is for one person--does that sound
reasonable to you? I do buy fruits, veggies, coffee, cheese, etc., in
the Dollar Tree store which has cut down on my food bill.)

Then I
go up and down the aisles looking at everything I would buy if I wasn't
always on a diet or if I had money! :o) I stand in the bakery section
inhaling-- look at all the new candy bars that have come out since I was
a kid--go up and down the snacks aisle (chips, pretzels,etc.) followed
by the boxed cookie aisle and reminisce of days eating Pepperage farm
Milano cookies, Mr. Amos chocolate chip cookies--living in South Florida
there is always new produce on display that I may not be familiar
with--then the frozen food section to gaze at the Sarah Lee cakes--I
never have had a defrosted one--how do they taste?--they taste great
frozen--and all the frozen pizzas--most of them are bad, like cardboard,
but that never stopped me from eating them! :o)

I look at all
the frozen dinners that have come out since I had a TV dinner 40-50
years ago (and haven't bought, or eaten, one since)--I check out the
sodium content on labels--if you don't read labels you will probably be
shocked at the high content of prepared foods.

When I get home I just have a joyous time putting everything away and, mentally, making up my weekly menu.

Food, any kind, any time, just lifts my spirits--I can even enjoy rice cakes!

And what's your obsession??????

posted on Nov 24, 2013 6:09 PM ()


When I was living in the motel with only a microwave and small fridge, I tried a lot of prepared foods that were new to me, and that was fun, but expensive. I didn't buy frozen entrees because that fridge didn't have much of a freezer.
comment by troutbend on Nov 25, 2013 2:53 PM ()
Usually, at home, I will roast, broil chciken, fish, steak with a fresh salad (We won't talk about the goodies!!!!)and fresh fruit--I really try to get away from packaged food but...
reply by greatmartin on Nov 25, 2013 3:47 PM ()

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