Following the psychiatrist's orders I took two Lorazepem (each .05mg) last night at 11:30 Pm--took some time but it finally
kicked in somewhere around 1:30 AM and I woke up at 10:30 AM--I SLEPT 9
HOURS and loved it!!!
I didn't wake
up 'hungover' or with any bad feelings. Follwoing instructions I took
1/2 a pill at Noon and then another 1/2 at 5 PM--will take 2 more
again at 'bedtime'.
Though I have felt sleepy most of the day I didn't feel any anxiety or stress or uneasiness--I
will go through the same routine tomorrow and if I still have the
sleepy all day feeling I might cut out the Noon one--we will see--it
really was good getting a full, sound, night's sleep and not having the
anxiety today--though I'm not going to worry about it I hope I don't
get 'addictive' or have to increase the dosage to get the same results!