of the joys of living to old age is being able to stand aside and watch
'what goes round comes round' coming around. It's like seeing real
karma in action and you recognize it a lot more when you are older. It
use to be said, and may still be, that an illness was psychosomatic but I
have come to see, and believe, that many negative people get mentally
sick while many positive people don't.
those lines I have been 'passing it forward' regarding having the use
of Jill's car 24/7 as long as she is in South Africa. I even chauffeured
Allen around on Wednesday though he wouldn't let me on Friday! I was
able to take one of my neighbors food shopping and another to get their
prescriptions. I have asked a few people if I could get them anything
while I was going around town. It feels good helping people and just a
small way of returning the favors that those have shown me in the past.
Now if only gas prices would go back down.
been getting some really nice e-mails regarding the Great Gay Author
series. I know many people who don't read blogs and I have been sending
them each post I have made and they have passed them on to others. I
just wish there was a way of reaching out to teenagers and young adults,
both gay and nongay, as these are good teaching tools showing the many different aspects of gay people and their lives.
those lines I have really been floored by all the complimentary remarks
I have been receiving from Corine's corner about my theatre reviews
having only posted 3 of them! "Burning The Floor" is coming up next
Want to have some fun? Check out might even learn something! Hey, just passing the karma on :O)