Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > February 2022--the Bad--part 3

February 2022--the Bad--part 3

(In Fort Lauderdale no day is completely bad, with our weather!)

Where to start with the telephone calls? 3 hours talking to people (8-10!!!) and being put on hold with 4 of them only to be disconnected after talking to one for 16 minutes and another for 22 minutes? I would like to think it was technology---either on their end or mine--but I don't think so. Then, of course, you have to call back and you never get the one you were talking to and I always wonder, what about "This will be recorded" announcement? Or the fact they have my number but don't call back.

First it seems that my insurance company changed the way they do referrals and were waiting for me to give them the date of the appointment (which I did) but the doctor's office never got it. Add to that for the first time in 22 years I didn't call and book a ride so I would have to take uber, lyft or a yellow cab which could be anywhere from $25-35 each way, depending on time.

As it turned out the insurance couldn't send the referral in time so I would have to change the appointment day/date which I did immediately, got the insurance team to send the referral NOW and I called and made my ride appointment.

As I said all the calls took 3 hours and I forget how many different people I had to talk with. And, oh yes, after the second disconnect I was getting a 'little' testy so I started off the rest of the call apologizing to whoever answered to the effect, "I know it isn't your fault and I am not angry at you but you answered the phone so I apologize if I come across angry AT you!" You would be surprised how that can change a conversation! :O)

In any case I have an appointment with my previous cardiologist on Wednesday, March 9 at 3:30---his office has the referral, I have the rides booked and, maybe, just maybe, I'll find out what is going on with the body of an 86 year old with the mind and attitude of a 21 and a half year old!

So far March has been good!

posted on Mar 2, 2022 8:02 PM ()


It's a triumph every time we see you manage to get proper appointments with the doctors you needed. I think insurance companies are today's assassins, but you're beating them at every turn. You're like the Roadrunner.
comment by drmaus on Mar 3, 2022 5:20 AM ()
It has turned into a game!!!
reply by greatmartin on Mar 3, 2022 9:01 AM ()

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