Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > My Doctor(s) Make Me Sick!

My Doctor(s) Make Me Sick!

Last week I went to see a new cardiologist and during my examination he mentioned something about a heart murmur and immediately went on to something else.

Yesterday I went to a new vascular surgeon--I stopped going to my regular one after he was running from 2-3 late every appointment.

My appointment with the new one was for 2 PM--after arranging for a ride through my HMO I got there at 1:30 PM--I was able to save time as when I called the receptionist she gave me a web page where I could fill out all the new patient papers--at 2 PM the nurse came in and said the doctor was called away for n emergency but that it was in the building so it shouldn't take long--at 3:45 I was finally taken into his office--as all the women in the office were very upbeat and the doctor profusely apologized for the delay and how could I be angry when he saved someone's life (but why on my time!!! LOL) I calmed down pretty quickly.

He did a pretty thorough examination even questioning me as to how low my blood pressure was--I explained that it generally is around 100/60--toady it was 95/50.

I had gone to him because I was getting pains in the back of my calves if I walked 5-6 blocks and once in awhile I would wake up with same pain when I slept--it didn't last long but it was happening frequently. I won't get into the whole conversation about the cladification(?) in my legs, the shunt I had, the plaque coming back and my smoking. (We did have a discussion about the possibility of it eventually/possibly it leading to having my toes or foot amputated--I assured him that wouldn't happen--and it has nothing to do with my not continuing to smoke but that's another blog.)

He, also, said something about a heart murmur but I didn't question it as I should have and will definitely the next time I see either him or the cardiologist which will be soon--having atrial defiblaration I have a feeling this is NOT good news.

Hey Nurse James and Tom--how do you spell those terms?

In any case I have the following appointments: Feb. 18 a stress test. March 3 a MRI (and there is a whole story about MRIs and me--wasn't able to go through with them because I panicked and so he wrote 'okay to sedate' on the order :O)--then March 10 an ultra sound then back March 25 for a follow up--I definitely plan to ask both doctors about the heart murmur.

I guess when you reach 18 you start falling apart!!

posted on Feb 6, 2008 4:46 PM ()


I once had a doctor induce a problem I didn't actually have. I had to get a physical when I was about 12 to participate in sports. The doctor I usually went to was on vacation, so my mother took me to see another one she knew. My mother went back to work and told me to call her when it was over so she could pick me up.

They stuck me in this creepy room way in the back of his office. It was more like a supply room than exam room. He had some kind of emergency to deal with right after I got there so I had a couple hours back there by myself. One of his nurses popped in a couple times to apologize but promised they hadn't forgotten I was there.

As soon as I got in the room, I looked around and saw one of those gloves and a tube of KY on a tray.

So let me recap. I was 12, had a couple hours to think about that glove, lubricant, and what the doctor's intentions were with that.

By the time he came in and took my blood pressure, it was astronomical -- like 200/120. He checked a few other things before my mother showed up. The doctor said everything looked okay except I would need to go on medication for high blood pressure. My mother was stunned, asked if it could've been due to being in the room so long before being seen. The doctor kind of shrugged.

I said I didn't think I needed any medication because it was indeed very stressful back there. The doctor asked me why I would be so anxious. I pointed to that freaking glove on the tray. He started laughing, then apologized for leaving it out like that, that he had no need to use that to check me.

I ended up waiting around the office a little while longer so he could take my blood pressure again. It was still elevated, but he was no longer concerned that I needed medication for it.

Anyway, I've never liked going to doctors.
comment by vladimir on Feb 6, 2008 5:08 PM ()

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