Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Diner, Blender and Carrot Cake

Diner, Blender and Carrot Cake

It being Wednesday it means Allen and I going out for lunch after he finishes bowling. When he got to my place I gave him a stack of restaurant coupons I have and told him to pick out one. He found one for the Moonlite diner and said he always wanted to go there so off we went. I forgot to
take my camera so if you want to see what it looks like go to

We have plenty of diners in South Floida but most are run of the mill places and I'm glad to say the Moonlite Diner was better than most. Allen had the meatloaf platter ($11.99) which had 2 thick slices of meatloaf, smashed potatoes and broccoli and iced tea ($2.49) all of which he said was good and tasty--yes, including the iced tea! LOL I had an English cheeseburger ($8.99) which is a 1/2 pound of angus beef, topped with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and a slice of raw
onion on an English muffin and served with fries. It came rare as I
ordered it and was a really good burger but the fries were tasteless. I
had coffee ($2.29) and then Allen suggested we have a piece of carrot
cake ($4.99) and share it. It was a huge piece and very good.

tax,  and minus the $8.99 coupon I had, the check came to $23.07 and we
gave her $30.07 and told her to keep the change. We will be going there


couple of months ago I bought a cheap blender to make my WW diet
milkshakes and, as they say, you get what you pay for and last week the
blades broke and the blending jar cracked. Going through the paper today
I saw an ad for a Black & Decker blender on sale for $24.99 so
after lunch we went to Macy's. I don't recall the last time I was to
Macy's but it has been a few years. The first thing I saw were Christmas
decorations all over the place and trees on each floor. It isn't even Halloween folks!!

In any case the blender had a heavy glass jar,  a solid base and looks like it will last for awhile.

car is in the shop and he had a red rental car so instead of using
Jill's car we used his. I only have her car for 6 more  days so I am
planning a few places I want/need to go before Tuesday.


couple of good things happened to me today but more about that
tomorrow--in one case, as usual, I am spending money before I get it but
I am getting it!  :O)

posted on Oct 27, 2010 7:02 PM ()


Oooh, carrot cake. That got my attention. Haven't had meatloaf in ages. Wish I could have joined you.
comment by solitaire on Oct 28, 2010 7:12 AM ()
glad you enjoyed your meal. hubby and i went out for supperthe other night it was very good to. i think i am going to start blogging again to
comment by butterfly1969 on Oct 27, 2010 8:42 PM ()
Come on back
reply by greatmartin on Oct 27, 2010 9:32 PM ()
You guys always find a way to make great deals for dinner.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 27, 2010 7:15 PM ()
Only way I can afford to eat out--and it is mostly lunches!!! We seniors learn all the tricks!
reply by greatmartin on Oct 27, 2010 9:31 PM ()

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