Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > 7 Decades Series Welcome to the 1990s Part 20 B

7 Decades Series Welcome to the 1990s Part 20 B

"May 5, 1990--would like to go to Jai Alai tonight--did-netted $38.85 " that was the start of
my Jai Alai escapades especially after one night when I netted $1,094!
The last time I was to Jai Alai was for my birthday February 29, 2004
with Chuck, Gino, Robert and James. I don't think in 8 years of blogging
that I ever mentioned gambling--at least as a problem!


the time I went into Transactional Analysis therapy I knew that of all
the problems I had one was the lack of moderation in my life. I
certainly smoked too much--3 packs a day--I was drinking too much--I was
either 100% on my diet or binging--I don't know if you can have sex too
much but I was definitely having a lot more than would be called 
normal or moderate. It wasn't until Dr. Cassius put a name on it that I
realized, yes, I was an addictive personality and gambling was another
addiction to/for me.

I played the lottery once in awhile but I wouldn't call myself a
gambler. The last time I remember really gambling was when I got out of
the Marines and hitchhiking from California to Miami Beach and the first
ride I got was to Las Vegas. Within a half hour I lost everything I had
on me which really wasn't that much but it hurt to the point that I
said I would never gamble again and I didn't until that May 5, 1990. 
The first time I had been to Jai Alai was in Miami many years ago when I
went with my father and 3 of his salesmen. I remember how embarrassed I
was when, as we were leaving, he told each of the guys that whoever won
had to give me 10% of what they won. Trust me, I was not loved that

played 5 different sets of trifecta numbers boxed plus 2 different
win/place/show tickets. I was playing about $500 up front as I would buy
all the tickets for the 13 or 14 games (depends which night I went)
when I arrived-even when I was out of work!

please understand that I was not addicted to gambling--HA! It is the
way the mind rationalizes things. Like when I was an alcoholic I didn't
think I was one because: 1) I didn't drink in the morning  2) I didn't
drink alone 3) Most days I didn't have a drink--and I can give you a
dozen more reasons but if you read about my problems with alcohol and,
finally, getting sober forever (well at least the past 31, almost 32,

was the same with Jai Alai--I didn't go every day--maybe once a week--I
didn't go crazy (like betting $500 a night when I was out of work!!!)
Oh I checked the papers every day to see if I would have won or lost the
night before IF I had gone. Going through my diary I see "Took $800 to
Jai Alai, lost $335", "I went to Jai Alai--netted $38.85", "Went to Jai Alai and netted $48.25", "Went to KJai Alai and won $12.25" "Went to Jai Alai and won $1,094.30 netting $475.80" and so it went. Of course the
bottom line is that at the end I lost money over the next 10 years
whether I went once a week or once every two months or whatever--I
wasn't a gambling addict!

I stopped going to Jai Alai the casinos started opening in the Fort
Lauderdale area and I can honestly say that I have gone maybe 20 times
in 8 years, mostly to the Isles for their buffet and with Robert when he
came down from New York to the Hard Rock casino and he gambled enough
to get free tickets to shows. My gambling limit is $20--on the penny or
nickle slots! I hate losing!!

I addicted to Jai Alai? To gambling? Is my lotto/powerball/fantasy5
/mega money/Play4  playing EVERY week since it started an addiction? Am I
afraid if I don't buy tickets my numbers will come out? Can I afford to
play the numbers every day and every week? Do I give up something else
to buy the tickets? Yes, yes, yes, yes, no (well maybe) and yes.

I think I will skip over the sex addiction and leave it for the hard cover edition!

posted on Jan 22, 2013 6:16 PM ()


My 2 older brotherS both drank and gambled heavily , have had a few sessions of getting as full as a bull but have never gambled with money.
Life itself is one big gamble
comment by kevinshere on Jan 22, 2013 8:39 PM ()
And at this point we are winners!!!!
reply by greatmartin on Jan 22, 2013 9:09 PM ()

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