Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > I Cry in Reel Life, Very Seldom Real Life

I Cry in Reel Life, Very Seldom Real Life

And I always smile while I am eating!!

I am watching the all day, all evening salute to Bette Davis on TCM--they are showing "Now Voyager" to be followed by a documentary on her life and then "All About Eve". Don't know how many times I have seen Now Voyager but I know I will be crying just as I have cried every time I have watched Jennifer Jones running up the hill in "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing" after Bill Holden died hoping to find him there and the chorus in the background swells as they sing the title song.

I don't know how many times I have seen "West Side Story" on screen and stage but I tear up every time Tony is killed. And the 100 times I have seen "A Chorus Line" on stage I know I will cry when Paul tells his story.

Films have always affected me in strange ways. Seeing two films this week, "Stop-Loss" and "Shelter" I found myself awash in tears in the last 1/2 hour of both films.

I am a sucker for scenes between fathers and sons, brothers, lovers, any scenes dealing with emotions. The odd thing is that I very seldom, if ever, cry in real life when dealing in emotions with people.

Oh, I can cry at a beautiful sunset but not a friend's dying. I teared up when a lover said they loved me but not a tear was shed when we were breaking up even in the case of the love of my life.

Right now there are tears forming as I listen to the score of Now Voyager as Bette Davis and Paul Henreid fall in love and I know what is going to happen. And now he is doing the lighting 2 cigarettes 'trick' that many lovers for years copied. And as he says, "You are in my heart" and she responds that no one ever called her darling before the tears flow on to the keyboard! Now they are kissing as they part at the airport--you would have to have a heart of stone not to cry! LOL

I know as a child I escaped to the movies, plays and books to get away from the 'real' world and let my emotions flow at, and with, what was happening to the characters. And I entered the world of writing, the best place of all to hide. I guess as an old man that hasn't changed. While I can show my emotions, and do, to all and everyone, for some reason I only shed my tears in private or in a dark movie house.

I'll have to look into that someday--but not today as Charlotte (Davis)is being torn apart by her mother (again) and she just received flowers from her married lover--ah, the drama!!

posted on Apr 5, 2008 3:05 PM ()


I cry pretty easily in a movie. I remember Love is a Many Splendored Thing. I cried every time I saw that film. You remember the Rock Hudson movie with Jennifer Jones where she died? Was that "For Whom the Bell Tolls"? I can't remember. I know that it was a Hemmingway story. I cried my eyes out every time when he carries her to the hospital. That was something special my mom and I shared. Last movie she and I saw together was "Yentl" and I cried through that one as well. Oh well!
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 6, 2008 2:09 PM ()
I cry so much in real life and have always done so, that it is easy not to cry when it's just a story, especially if it's a made up one. When a story paralels something personal (triggers a memory and/or is "hits too close to home") I will then become quite emotional. Could be tears, fear, anger, joy, or downright disgust. Don't think I'm not moved by movies, though...I do smile, laugh, cringe, and my eyes will tear up, but it takes a lot more for a belly laugh, horror, or real crying.

You already know that I find Bette Davis to be a uniquely interesting person and character and have enjoyed the films she has been in because I like the stories and the performances. But, I do not particularly like her. I can't say what it is, but there's an "edge" when I watch her so that I am distracted by her.
comment by donnamarie on Apr 6, 2008 1:53 PM ()
I find that I am the same way. I am not sure why I find it easier to cry for movies and plays that for reality. Since the pain is technically more real when experiencing it first hand you would think it would be the other way around.
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 6, 2008 1:36 PM ()
I was amazed that Johnny Debb was so good in this movie.
Yes,there was a lot of blood,but this was out of curiosity to see what
Johnny Depp and Tim Burton film.Had to see this one.
I liked it a lot.He did a great job.
comment by fredo on Apr 6, 2008 1:29 PM ()
I don't have any ideas, how to smile while eating
comment by mustakim on Apr 6, 2008 8:17 AM ()
I guess we all cry for different reasons. I cry when I'm happy and when I'm sad... maybe I cry too often. I cry when I read, at movies, and in real life. There seems to be a lot to cry about these days. I recently saw "West Side Story" and there are a lot of funny parts, but the sad parts do make a person cry!
comment by sunlight on Apr 6, 2008 1:54 AM ()
Watching Sweeny Todd Tonight .Did you see this one?
comment by fredo on Apr 5, 2008 4:07 PM ()
I'm with you babe, just ate a whopper of a pizza myself. it always mops up the tears
comment by lynnie on Apr 5, 2008 3:59 PM ()
All I have to do if I need to cry and can't is put on Steel Magnolia's...and I start crying..
comment by elfie33 on Apr 5, 2008 3:13 PM ()
I am surfing between the Bette Davis film festival and a baseball game (White Sox starring Devil's A--hole's own Nick Swisher vs. Detroit). I'm a person of such eclectic tastes and I cry at the drop of a hat anymore.

yer unstable pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 5, 2008 3:13 PM ()

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