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Catching up with 2013 So I Can Get into 2014
Catching up with 2013 So I Can Get into 2014
The last day and evening of 2013 was spent just like I would want to spend all of my days. I got up at 11 AM (I am a night person folks!), poked my head out of the door to get the newspaper, made my coffee and headed for the computer where I got caught up on my emails, went to the NYPost, NYTimes, Broadway showbiz, talkinbroadway, bubblews and blogger sites where I answered a few notifications on the latter two. Then it was over to the table to read the paper and finish the coffee.
Around 2 PM I leisurely shaved, took a shower and got dressed so that I would be ready at 4 PM when Allen would pick me up--and he did.
We went to the Quarterdeck--one of my favorite restaurants in Fort Lauderdale--we got there early for a late lunch as we didn’t know what the traffic would be like going to Miami or for that matter how crowded the restaurant would be. To our surprise it was almost empty except for a few drinkers at the bar.
Timothy the manager was there--he got married last year (well this year 2013) and it looks like she is treating him right. He has put a few pounds on but they look good on him!
On the way in I said hello to the Quarterdeck Santa--he has put on a little weight and is a little taller but we still make a good looking couple! Don’t know if you can see it, in the second picture, but they have a fire going on the patio. Hey, it was only 74 degrees! We always sit in the booths against the wall opposite the huge fish tank that Timothy takes great pride in. Hard to see but in the middle picture there is the drummer boy guarding the tank.
The whole serving crew has changed and we had what I could only call a kid--come on, she looked 16, was wearing short, short, short shorts. I told Timothy that if the girls have to wear them so do the boys! What do YOU think ladies? Would you like to see some eye candy when you eat out?
In any case we ordered the jambalaya with rice--once in awhile I will have it on pasta--and Allen eliminated the peppers. It was delicious as ever and came with the specially made garlic bread. We ate every bite and then were on our way to Miami. Surprisingly there was no traffic on I-95 and made it in almost record time to the theatre.
The lobby was very impressive with wreaths all over not to forget the holly. The light were sparkling. Don’t know if you can see it in the last two pictures but there was ‘snow’ falling in the lobby!
On to the show!
posted on Jan 6, 2014 3:22 PM ()
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