Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > Weight Loss > Autobiography of a Fat Man Part 3

Autobiography of a Fat Man Part 3

December, 2005 I found myself weighing in the 190s AGAIN! (Why is it so much harder fighting 10 pounds then a 100?)

In 2001 I had taken out all my weapons to either finally win my fight against fat or just give up.

When I was lecturing at my fat classes I always joked that I had been fat for 31 years and now I planned to be thin(ner) for the next 31 and then at the age of 62 I would become the fattest senior citizen in the USA but after observing for many years I realized that there was too much competition and I would never be the winner in that contest!

There was my goal of staying in the 180s-- though I could get to the 170s I knew I wouldn't be able to maintain it and I was comfortable with myself and liked the way I looked at about 185 and all my clothes fit perfectly.

I had made a food chart/diary up where everyday I put down every morsel that went into my mouth including when I strayed. (I now have 8 years of those charts filed away!) Not only did I write down what I ate but I kept track of the calories, sodium, protein, carbs, fats, saturated fats, cholesterol and fiber with the maximum amount of each I could have everyday--if I went over any item I would have less the next day.

I bought a book giving the nutritional and breakdown, count of every food. I already had a scale to weigh food but today most boxes, packages, food items have the breakdown on them. I, also, bought only no-salt added and low/no fat items.

I could basically eat anything--and I did--as long as I kept count. I've always eaten quantity over quality unless I could get both--no more buying 2-3 pounds steak or chicken as I know I would eat it all at one sitting. If I wanted something 'special' I would go to a restaurant to have it as most portions are controlled.

I weighed only on Mondays & Thursdays at 6 PM--and recorded the results. (And, of course, naked!)

I got sloppy during December--it had nothing to do with Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.--I don't/didn't need an excuse to over eat.

Knowing my (and other fat people's) habits I didn't wait until Monday to get started so on January 1, 2006--A SUNDAY!--I started--and as of this last Thursday weighed (at 6 PM, nude) 182.5 pounds--I had lost an average of 1 pound a week which is a great rate to lose weight at.

Yes, I had won the war and was even able to pat MYSELF on the back! As with every addiction is it one hour, 1 day, 1 week at a time but with 190 as my STOP figure now I really don't anticipate any more problems--I am a Pollyanna, positive, happy person.

Stray thoughts, hints, questions, 'fat' jokes, stray ideas plus more.

I once had a nun in one of my classes who had a weight gain 4 weeks in a row--I had been easy on her but decided to get her back on track--gave her a lecture on 'gluttony being a sin' and then asked her what happened the past 4 weeks--with an innocent smile she replied, "It's my time of the month." Well, how could a good Jewish boy call a nun a liar?!

The funniest moments I had with members was seeing the strip they did at the scale to be weighed--amazing what they took off--the best was a member of mine who was thisfar from reaching the 100 pound weight loss--he took off EVERYTHING--said he was wearing heavy underwear--and then many weighed all their clothes before coming to the meeting to pick out the lightest articles they had wearing Summer clothes in the dead of winter.

I'm going to have to write another article soon as to why I advise you don't let a fat waiter serve you. (From my own experiences being a fat waiter!)

IT IS ALL ABOUT CALORIES--the amount you take in and the amount you expend within a 24 hour period--I have always eaten my main meal before going to sleep (hey, if I die when I am sleeping at least I will go with a full stomach--I pity the poor person who has to do an autopsy on me!) and I have lost weight doing that.

Most fat people eat at night and with no one around--amazing how many fat people you see who 'don't eat a thing'--women are guiltier of this then men because, usually, the latter like to show off how much they can eat.

Contrary to belief most fat people are as healthy as thin people--both experience high cholesterol, high blood pressure, upset stomachs, etc.

When a fat person says, No," or doesn't eat the chocolate cake they go running to the scale to see how much they have lost--of course they haven't lost anything so they will go back and eat whatever is left.

It took awhile but I have learned that IF I get fat again it's not the end of the world or me.

What I consumed yesterday: Orange juice, 2 cups of decaffeinated green tea, 16-12 ounce cans of diet cola, 2 loin pork sandwiches made with broiled pork, lettuce, tomato, onions, mustard on one, 'no-salt added' Hunt's ketchup on the other--both sandwiches made on 4 slices of Arnold's Melba thin bread, a salad consisting of a whole head of lettuce, a large onion, a large tomato, Mrs. Dash's herb and garlic no-salt spices and all tossed in 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar, 2 tablespoons white vinegar, 2 tablespoons each of fat-free blue cheese and thousand island bottled dressing. For a snack I had 20 grapes and 6--count them--6 Fudgsicle no sugar added fudge bars---total calories for the day? 1, 402--598 under my maximum amount--tomorrow when I go to the movies I can have a small popcorn and not worry. (I know, I know, you don't eat that much and still lose weight---YES, YOU CAN!!)

Only 2-3% of obesity problems is caused by a low/slow metabolism.

Chances of you NOT regaining your weight, and more, is 2-3%--discouraging? Not for me--I would rather be in that 2-3% category.

Fat people eat because they are: sad, happy, angry, feeling serene, it's snowing, it's not snowing, their clothes are tight or loose, someone insulted or complimented them, etc.,--we eat because we can.

Fat IS a mask for other problem(s)--if you don't work at the problem(s) you won't get/stay thinner.

Don't try to tackle losing weight with wanting to stop smoking, drinking, etc.--working on 2 addictions will lead to failure of both.

Become a positive person--for 32 years the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is look in the mirror and say, out loud, "Martin you are fantastic!"--try not to smile when you do that--I dare you! For 32 years when asked, "How are you doing?", "How are you?" I have answered, "Fantastic!"--silly? No, it works--for 32 years, through any downer periods, I have been/am fantastic--there really is a POWER to positive thinking.

he fact is that I will always have an obsession regarding my weight but I no longer allow it to affect my emotions and/or my self-esteem.

As life plays its game with me, and growing older makes everything sag, I know I won’t fit into a size 36 trousers/shorts again, that it will be a tight squeeze to get into a 38 and that I am a size 40 and happy with it.

I would like to weigh between 180-185 but I have no complaints being in the 185-187 range and once it goes over 187 I get serious for a day or two and it’s back to comfort zone.

Since that fateful day in January 2000 I have kept a food diary every day and have them all on file.

I ‘vacation’ from my diet on Thursdays and when I go out for lunch with Allen on Wednesdays and/or possibly eat dinner out once or twice a week. I am 100% strict with myself from Friday to Monday. I pat myself on the back for making a New Year resolution not to have anything to eat when I go to a movie and sticking to it. Considering that I go to a minimum of one movie a week and sometimes two that’s, at least, 40 bags of popcorn I haven’t had so far.

Yes, I love buffets and will continue to go to them, and over-eat, but I will compensate by being extra careful until the pound(s) come off!

I weigh myself every, and only on, Monday and Thursday and have kept my weight records since March 1, 1967.

I now plan my ‘cheats’, knowing when I will go off my diet and what I will eat just as I plan and know what I’ll eat when sticking to my diet.

Remarkably, since 2000, I have eaten every ‘bad’ food you can think of, and some in huge quantities, but my cholesterol, blood pressure, etc., levels are all fine.

I still help, suggest, offer my food chart and give encouragement to anyone who wants/needs it only now I don’t bug them about it.

Okay, it is Thursday, I weighed in (185.25) and I am ready for my ‘vacation’ meal: 4 turkey (1/2 pound) and cheese (1/2 pound) sandwiches (on THIN sliced bread, of course, LOL) with slices of tomatoes and onions, two with mayo and 2 with mustard, 2 big slices of carrot cake, 1 big slice of chocolate cake and then some grapes. Tomorrow it will be plain broiled chicken (with some of Mrs. Dash’s spices and a shot of Tabasco) with a salad, some veggies and, for a snack, some no salt pretzels.

Life is great, folks!

If I can ever be of any help feel free to e-mail me at

posted on Apr 18, 2008 6:17 PM ()


I need to start loosing weight soon MArtin.
comment by itsjustme on Apr 21, 2008 1:05 AM ()
Hey, I'm here on mybloggers, reading your posts, you can see... commenting on them! The news is, I've gained a few pounds back during that stint of staying with my parents but, hey!, I don't hate myself for it because I'm still one cool lady! It's been a couple of weeks since I've been back home and I've held that same "uh-oh, I'm not happy" weight at a stand-still, so I've at least stopped the gaining process. Now it's time for me to say, "Just wait and see! This will soon be NO weight to see!"
comment by donnamarie on Apr 20, 2008 12:10 PM ()
Fantastic article Martin my friend I think most people overweight do not have a self-esteem problem until someone tells them that they should feel bad for being the weight they are.
comment by redwolftimes on Apr 19, 2008 3:57 AM ()
You still have the power to make me smile! I missed your posts when I could not get/stay online.
comment by dragonflyby on Apr 18, 2008 10:09 PM ()
This is awesome, martin. I love it. I'm still in "weight loss" as opposed to "maintenance" mode, but I'll be there in about 20 lbs. Over half way so far, so I'm happy with my progress. Went and walked a couple of miles tonight at Relay for Life. It was good course it made me completely awake, which I will have to fight to get any sleep tonight. I agree about the food journal or diary. I've kept one for 2 months and it really helps. By the way, I never ever eat at night. That's a big big no for me. Great post.
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 18, 2008 8:58 PM ()
Martin, you are an inspiration. I think you have the answer by writing down everything even when you "cheat". You and teacherwoman are gonna get me motivated to get my lazy butt in gear and start moving. Thanks for the tips.
comment by gapeach on Apr 18, 2008 8:07 PM ()

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