I am interested in learning whether anyone has ever had a Cranial/Sacral Massage. I'm schedule to have my first in about a week. I have been watching videos on the various holds and techniques. I would just like to get some feedback.
posted on May 3, 2008 12:12 PM ()
If you have your head up your butt does it count as one massage?
Hi Gapeach! I don't understand your article, but I hope everything is all right. I came to visit you, but you're not at home. from Waterloo
nope, never have
I've had it and it helps me a lot. I can't afford it, and Medicare doesn't pay for it. That's the only reason it's in my past. But it helped me regain my balance, lose the whistling in my ears, and brought my pain level down by about 30%. Gotta Love It.
My Chiropractor did something to my head when I was having migraines...but I'm not sure if it's that or not. But it felt good and it worked.
Can't wait to hear about this one. I love a good massage but only minimal exposure to scalp massage but it is enjoyable.
This is not something I know anything about, but now I am counting on you to report back after you've had the massage so I can hear all about it.
Wow this is weird. Tell us about it when you do it!
Sorry, I've never heard of it.
Good luck.
You'll have to explain this one. I never heard of this.