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Its A New Life For Me

Life & Events > Relationships > Omen?


Today was the first day of my new job. I got there earlier than I expected and actually found a place to park. I had heard parking was difficult and that there is only a certain place to park. I thought I was lucky to find a spot in the right area. I began my training and the job seems like it will be easy to do and I will get to deliver mail so I am looking forward to that. I need my people. The woman I work with is very detail oriented and is friendly. I began telling her about my fortune of finding a spot when she asks if I have a parking pass. Parking Pass? I don't know anything about a parking pass. She gasps and we dash down the hallway to get a pass. I take it out to my van only to find that my van is not there. My van had been towed away. You have got to be kidding me? We go to my boss and we start to leave to go get my van, only to find out that she car pooled and doesn't have her car with her. Back into the building we go to ask the girl that is training me to take us there. We get there and sure enough my van is there The towing company would not give us a break and I had to pay 106.00 to get it back and my company will not reimburse me. ARGH. I go to pay and guess what, they don't accept visa, only cash or debit. Who has 100 dollars on them and extra to boot? I don't think so. So back into the truck we go to find a bank and hope I have money in it. I finally go my van back but today was not good. I spent most of it trying to track down my vehicle and it cost me more than I made.

I am finally off work and get a call from my mom that the satellite people didn't show up. I was madder than a hornet. My mom had been sitting at my house since 2 and it was now 5:30. They had gone to my ex's house. Specifics in Weekend post. Let's just say I had a lousy day and my daughter's fish died so I had to stop at the pet store and buy her another one. Now all this stress has given me a kink in my neck and I can't move it. So much for my massage. I just hope this isn't a taste of my future with this new job. I'm glad tomorrow is a new day. Good night everybody!

posted on Apr 14, 2008 11:24 PM ()


I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. That had to be extremely stressful today.
comment by hopefields on Apr 15, 2008 9:25 PM ()
I hope you got a parking pass! You are stronger than me, I would have threw my hands up and either cried or gave up!
comment by mytwoloves on Apr 15, 2008 11:10 AM ()
Ugh... that is absolutely brutal! At least our office building gives you a warning note the first time. What jerks. I hope today is better. *hugs*
comment by mellowdee on Apr 15, 2008 8:56 AM ()
comment by gwensgifts on Apr 15, 2008 1:36 AM ()
Oh no. I hope tomorrow and the rest of this week goes better Tanya.
comment by texastar on Apr 14, 2008 11:52 PM ()
Yikes!! I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you
comment by fugzy on Apr 14, 2008 11:37 PM ()

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