Patience indeed and I'm most impressed with Mark's insight. Not many people pay close enough attention to the positive behaviors of others. Mark must be right and so your patience level will kick up a gear to help you in your "waiting" process. The stars are aligned for you Mel and you have worked for this! "Good things come to those who wait"
Arguments and ripping new ass holes is what develops strong and lasting relationships. He may be sore for a few days but it will be stronger than ever. Thank you for that last sentence about not always being able to do it on our own. I needed to hear that.
We all need to take a "personal" day now and again. If you have earned the time.. it doesn't matter what it was for. I'm sorry for the struggles between you and ex. Breaking up is hard to do and you are both losing so much more than just a marriage. That many years of friendship must be hard. I'm sure he is filled with a lot of guilt for pasts mistakes and wishing he could go back. Good for you for knowing your limits and what you do and don't want.
What a great post! Thanks so much.
I'm just glad your Grandson has had the opportunity to come to these opinions on his own. Hang in there and I'm sorry for your chaotic life right now.. I'm sure it is so difficult for you since you need organization. My ex was that way too and although I don't understand it (i'm the slob) I feel bad for the messes you have to endure. I know now how frustrating it can be for the ones that truly "need" it for a sense of security and comfort.
how very sweet of G to do that. It's nice to know you are being supported through the tough times. Kids really do have the most difficult time with divorce. Take care!
His behavior will keep you focused on the future and not the past. Be glad ... my husband is being wonderful and keeps me wondering "what if." Grab your new life and be happy! It must feel great to know you don't have to put up with it anymore.
at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.... how beautiful and I'm so glad to read your poetry I'm really am so happy for you and agree with Janet.. you so deserve this!
I haven't checked in a while and am so glad to read you are still growing as a person. You have come a long way and very quickly. I'm jealous ;) and happy for you all at the same time
I am so sorry your weather has been so chaotic. I just wish we would get some warm weather.. I'm about sick of the gloomy weather and could use some sunshine.
I should have known you were benevolent. You never cease to amaze me and you should be proud. It is a wonderful organization and the amount of people The Lions Club helps is remarkable. You have a large group! We do have Lions and Kiwanis as well as the Optimists. Making the world a better place one day at a time. Kudos Randy!
Wow... your spider shower talks.. I'm so jealous. I need mine to talk to me. I'm also most intrigued with the insight that the spider shower gave you. It is amazing how the littlest things can trigger so much thought and reflection.
I hope to learn respect for myself just like you! I yearn for that feeling. Thanks for sharing and letting me know that it is possible. Hugs Janet and hang in there!
Glad to know you are still having quirky dreams and that #### happens to other people too. Glad to know that good things do come out of bad (turn signal now works). Hope the pregnancy is going well. I must say... I'm intrigued about the co worker now! Thanks a lot!