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Life & Events > Relationships > Divorce Sucks

Divorce Sucks

This divorce thing is for the birds. I am so mad and frustrated at my soon to be ex husband. He is being so calm and using such a pleasant tone but doesn't understand why I am so angry. What in the hell? Gosh I wonder...He hires a lawyer behind my back after he tells me we can do it without one and he wonders why I am angry. He asked me how my job interview went and I told him. I told him I didn't think it would be enough money and he comments back about "i guess that is why you are trying for what you are trying for" (meaning the alimony.)I explained it wouldn't financially be worth it to drive it for that money and he goes on to say isn't it better to take the job. a job is better than no job.. I of course understand what he is saying but he lost the privilege of advising me when he filed for divorce. I almost want to take it now just so he will have to pay alimony. $10.50 is not even enough to pay my bills. I don't know if I will take the job or not and it hasn't even been offered to me so that cart is before the horse again. It just made me mad. He then makes a horrible comment in front of our son that if I can't afford it he will take the kids. So inappropriate to discuss in front of my 7 year old son. I left the house and called and left him a message telling him that was not appropriate. He said he was sorry but proceeded to tell me about the logic of taking a job. I told him it really is none of his business and he said...in front of my kids no less...when did you become so cold hearted. I yelled at him since he had the kids with him and told him he will not talk about me in front of the kids like that and I hung up on him. GRRRRRR. I am so mad. I guess we will be doing all of this through the lawyers and now I really have no desire to be nice. I hope he does have to pay alimony and everything else. I actually don't. The longer he pays alimony the longer he has to live with his mom who is not very nice so I really don't want it for long. Blow it off Tanya, blow it off. I really am trying to let it go.!!!!

posted on Mar 12, 2008 9:33 PM ()


Letting it go is very important but you've got to *feel* it first.You and I need to get together some time...we will drink vodka and kool aid and we will talk about all of the nasty as f*ck things that have happened to us. Deal?Until then, I say...drink some vodka and kool aid on your own. Don't worry...your Canadian friend will be hammered in your honour.
comment by janetk on Mar 14, 2008 9:16 AM ()
Tanya, be very careful around him. He seems nice to your face but tries to stab you in the back at every opportunity. Do not trust him to be fair in the divorce. Protect yourself and the kids.
comment by gapeach on Mar 14, 2008 3:30 AM ()
Man... it's amazing how people change for the worse and get so p*ssy and petty when divorce rears it's ugly head. Talking in front of your children like that is SO inappropriate!
comment by mellowdee on Mar 13, 2008 9:05 PM ()
Thanks funny girl! Hang in there works.
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 13, 2008 12:28 PM ()
NOthing good about divorce. I'm sorry you're having to go through all this.
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 13, 2008 11:05 AM ()
Divorce is ugle there is just no way around it. He should not talk about any of that in front of the kids they will strss out over it. It's too bad, I wish I had a joke for you, but as in the words of my mother "HANG IN THERE!" I hate that phrase, but it is the best I can do since switching to decaf.
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Mar 13, 2008 6:16 AM ()

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