I have had this leaky tire on my car. That is hubby's department. Well of course he has not taken care of it, what with all the hours he is working. It was fine as long as I could get to the air pump every day to fill it. Well yesterday I looked, there was no way I would make it to the gas station. So there she sits, the mom mobile. I can't get to the store today. I might see when daughter works today, maybe she can run me to the store.
I was making dinner last night and kota fell asleep. We could not wake him up for dinner so we just let him sleep. He did wake up and have his dinner and then we went to bed. I don't know if he is getting sick or maybe its just another growth spurt. He sleeps alot when he goes through one of those. So we postponed his birthday celebration until this weekend. He insists on having silly string. You know, the stuff that shoots out of a can, looks like bright colored string. We usually get some for his birthday, and I think the adults have more fun with it then the kids! lol
Well I guess I will keep myself busy with more cleaning and organizing. I have tubs to sort things with and decide what to keep and what to donate. toodles for now