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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > Time on My Hands

Time on My Hands

When I was a busy working mom, I thought there would never be enough time in a 24 hour day to get everything done. Now the pace has slowed considerably and I have slowed down as well. My two goals today are to get my books back to the library and cook Ted a decent meal for his birthday today. I already made him a cake and just threw away half of it. He loves german chocolate and chocolate cake and I can easily forego both so they are never totally devoured. It is misty and ghostly looking outside. I am hoping the sun will come out today. I need sunshine. This winter has been hard on all of us. Adrienne came over yesterday and said she will start to work Jan 4th. They are saving her job for her. Some stupid faculty advisor did not tell her that she had to have a 2 hour course to graduate that is only given once a year in the fall semester. So she will be looking for a job this summer and coming fall. Wisconsin is lovely in the summer but horrible in the winter. One of her closest friends got a job there too. She can hardly wait to go. She will have her own office and do some bio medical and I.T. stuff that sounds very interesting. When she graduated from high school a lot of her friends enrolled in chemical engineering. She is one of the three that didn't wash out. All women. The jonquils are up and the rose bushes are putting out leaves. the gardening gene is coming out. I hope I didn't lose the lilac bush to winter kill. The roses need some serious trimming but I don't know exactly how to go about it. Any easy ideas?

posted on Feb 16, 2020 8:54 AM ()


I always wonder why they are brave enough to stick their little sprouts of the snow. This has been such a wet winter for us that I am surprised that you still need the snow for moisture.
comment by elderjane on Feb 17, 2020 7:31 AM ()
Happy Birthday smiles and blessings flying to Ted! I love hearing that your jonquils are poking up and spring growth in the garden is budding. What a delight! Here in NW Ohio temps are still too cold, but winter has generally been kind to us, so I am eager for an early spring. May your lilac bush rebound....
comment by marta on Feb 17, 2020 5:47 AM ()
Those old fashioned flowers like lilacs and crepe myrtle and sweetpeas remind me of my grandmother's gardens. I hope the lilac will still be announcing that spring is here.
reply by elderjane on Feb 17, 2020 7:29 AM ()
Jonquils are up already? There's been years when we had a warm winter and the spring bulbs would come up this early, and then we'd get a lot more cold weather and everyone would worry about them.
comment by traveltales on Feb 16, 2020 4:58 PM ()
See above. I goofed.
reply by elderjane on Feb 17, 2020 7:32 AM ()
I'd check youtube for trimming roses. There is an answer to everything there. Just found out how to get the wheel off my hand truck. Since I read the part about the cake I am somewhat preoccupied with the sad thought! Hopefully Donna will have better luck with my cake next month.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 16, 2020 1:14 PM ()
I will check you tube. I have a gardening book but it doesn't tell me
much and I planted a lot of roses that reach out and scratch me now. They got a lot taller than I wanted them to.
reply by elderjane on Feb 17, 2020 7:34 AM ()
I wish I could help give tips for gardening alas I have a black thumb.
You don’t like chocolate cake????
Please tell Ted I said Happy happy birthday!!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 16, 2020 12:15 PM ()
No, I don't like chocolate cake but I love brownies. The rest of my family are chocaholics. Plant and fertilize and use a lot of potting soil to fill in the holes. I always have enough tomatoes from 3 plants for just Ted and I and it is as rewarding to me as your hens are to you!!
reply by elderjane on Feb 17, 2020 7:39 AM ()

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