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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > Excerpt from a Boring Life

Excerpt from a Boring Life

Yesterday was all about walking the dog and grocery shopping, then binge watching Naked and Afraid. Yes, I hate reality shows and this one is pretty much faked, but we like to watch the inept ones who quarrel with each other and forget to bring a pot to get water. We bet with each other on which ones will have to be extracted before there 21 days is up, it doesn't take much to entertain us. I really thought Mayor Pete was a refreshing voice in the Democratic field and am sorry to see him go. The two I can't stand, Bloomberg and Kobachar are still with us. Of course anyone would be better than the present administration. The weather has been beautiful but is due to turn cold today. I have been able to walk the dog on most days. My jonquils have not only reared their heads, they have burst into bloom and it is quite a lift from the dreary winter landscape. I have a visiting angel to help with the housework now and Jeremy comes by and changes lightbulbs for us. She is not allowed to get on ladders. She is a master of all the attachments on the Kirby, something I have always depended on Ted to do. We work well together and I am grateful. She is Native American and an artist and very adept at crafts. She hasn't found a market for her art but certainly needs to do so. Two of Ted's brothers are very ill. One has hospice and the other one needs to but he is so contrary that he won't have it. One of his brothers that he is closest to looks in on him and deals with his housekeeper. The other one is fortunate enough to have a wife who is an RN and daughters who help out on weekends. It is very sad to see these big strapping men reduced to invalids. Our Laura is going to come home for three days. She bar tends four days a week and has two days as an unpaid intern to a fashion consultant. She is very pretty and does well enough on tips to afford rent and food but we miss her a lot and don't think she will ever leave New York City. My sister and I talk often and are closer than we have ever been. Linda and I keep up with each other by phone and she and Laura will be spending one of her four days with me. My great grandchildren are delightful, especially the naughty little Chandler who has captured my heart. all the other grand children call me grandma but Chandler calls me Jeri which I find hilarious. Chandler is a real beauty with long blonde hair that hangs below her waist and sparkling eyes of deep blue. My friends and I celebrated a birthday by eating at Bad Nona's a new Italian restaurant. It was just ok and pricey. I won't be going back. Pasta is not my favorite thing and it was drenched in olive oil with four shrimp and three tiny pieces of chicken. No heat and no flavor. The outing was fun though and it was great to get out.

posted on Mar 2, 2020 3:48 AM ()


Your family sounds so special. I envy you. Except for three first cousins in Illinois (one on my dad's side is from Greece and we have just had one conversation, halting) I am without family. I miss my sis and my nephew.
comment by tealstar on Mar 11, 2020 6:26 PM ()
I have always appreciated having a close old fashioned family. we love getting together. The virus is scary and Laura has cancelled her trip .
I am so disappointed. I find social distancing hard!
reply by elderjane on Mar 12, 2020 2:58 AM ()
Delighted to hear your jonquils are blooming now! All our snow in NW Ohio is gone, thanks to yesterday's daylong rain. I am so eager for the temps to get over 50° and the sun to shine so I can get out and look for crocuses and see my first spring sighting of returning robins.
comment by marta on Mar 2, 2020 11:45 AM ()
Soon the birds will be building nests and the Iris will flood us with color. I can hardly wait.
reply by elderjane on Mar 3, 2020 4:25 AM ()
Kristy asked my question: what's wrong with Amy? She's most electable of the bunch.

Anyway, 90 Day Fiance is our reality program to goof on. It's obvious that they found the most outrageous couples to target. It's a bit too repetitive after the first few episode but I'm playing a game on my droid while it on and that's the only way I get to set aside time for that. Happy Spring. We are almost down to bare ground again, but this is the time of year when we get the biggest stormss!
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 2, 2020 10:14 AM ()
I have never seen 90 day fiance. I will have to find it.
reply by elderjane on Mar 20, 2020 5:59 AM ()
I just watch MSNBC and any Law & Order re-run I can find. Sometimes I look in on CSI.
reply by tealstar on Mar 11, 2020 6:27 PM ()
We LOVE 90 day fiancé and married at first sight and below deck! Haha
Reality trash tv for the win!
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 6, 2020 7:29 AM ()
I will have to try that one. We will get the storms too. We have not used our storm cellar even one time thank goodness. It gets scary in the spring.
reply by elderjane on Mar 3, 2020 4:27 AM ()
That's one of my favorite programs, too! Especially the Pillow Talk episodes.
reply by traveltales on Mar 2, 2020 3:45 PM ()
Never mind, Amy quit too.
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 2, 2020 11:18 AM ()
Why don’t you like Amy? She is one of my faves. I’m sad Pete left too, and Bloomberg is to say the least. I do agree tho, anyone is better than the current nightmare.
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 2, 2020 7:34 AM ()
I couldn't put my finger on why I didn't like Amy. Probably because I love Elizabeth Warren and want her for Veep. Pete was a breath of fresh air and he should run for the Senate.
reply by elderjane on Mar 3, 2020 9:19 AM ()

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