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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Busy


May has been such a busy month for us with Ashley's activities,and Laura's pending move to New York City to follow
her dream. Let me say here that Teal has been an enormous help with this locating contacts for her there. Plus all
the activities planned by friends and a visit from my
daughter. Coupled with the fact that I am sleeping poorly, I
am exhausted. Last night I took two sleeping pills at 7:30
and am feeling much better today.

I need to clean closets and the pantry in the worst way. I
should put my winter clothes up and bring out the summer things and as it is they are all tumbled up together. Ted's
closet needs an over haul too.

I would like to have a garage sale to benefit Adrienne who is
going to Italy in July for a summer session and Laura who will certainly need all the cash she can get but it is looking iffey.

Our spooky weather has brought so much rain that my plants
are looking wonderful. I have four tomato plants and although we haven't gotten many some of the cherry tomatoes
are ripe. The herbs are doing very well and so are the
flowers. The Hibiscus and the Mandavalya are gorgeous and
so are the hydrangeas.

Spring and summer are my favorite seasons so life is good.

posted on May 21, 2017 7:37 AM ()


I no longer have the email account where my mybloggers notifications go so I missed this post. Your posts are an inspiration to me, which I'll hopefully explain sometime when I feel like typing. For now, I have to get outdoors and start planting seeds. This weekend is tomato planting weekend--last frost!!
comment by jjoohhnn on May 24, 2017 7:16 AM ()
I have planted a few things, I am hoping at least one survives. The curse of a black thumb!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 22, 2017 8:06 AM ()
I hope your plantings survive. Oklahoma is pretty hostile to plant life
because we are dealing with red clay. is the only way.
reply by elderjane on May 22, 2017 1:30 PM ()
It's amazing to me that you're already seeing ripe tomatoes. Wednesday, the day before our 20 inches of snow, we bought some herbs and flowers at the garden center, and they are next to the dining room window getting some light while we wait for the melting, which is moving right along, but it'll be a couple of days. I'm going to go throw some wildflower seeds on top of the snow to see what happens.
comment by troutbend on May 21, 2017 10:31 AM ()
I am keeping my fingers crossed for abundant tomatoes and squash. the squash is up. Worked outside for a long time today.
reply by elderjane on May 21, 2017 3:48 PM ()
can relate to your exhaustion ... mine stems from being sick. Coming out of it. We are having a drought. Watering is restricted. A woman was arrested for throwing a lit cigarette out of her car. Keep us updated on the adventures of Laura.
comment by tealstar on May 21, 2017 8:00 AM ()
Laura is delighted to have your Julie as a contact. Sorry you have been ill. I went through a period of having no energy but it is back today after a good night's sleep. Went to a show home to benefit the symphony. It was
fabulous and got some great ideas.
reply by elderjane on May 21, 2017 3:52 PM ()

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