I have been reading old posts and I miss the wicked witch of the west and others so much. Have you all gone to facebook?
posted on Nov 27, 2020 5:45 AM ()
Remember how we used to get so mad at Randy Smith because he griped about fat women?
Social media can be a great equalizer because we can put out whatever image of ourselves we want to, but meet us in person, and we're not all slim and gorgeous and 30 or 40 years younger. It's too bad when people enjoy a person's online friendship and then they meet up, and the bubble is burst. Sending hugs.
I too miss the connections we used to have. For me, the blog is a kind of diary and I like to put down my experiences. I don't put my personal thoughts on Facebook because it is too public.
Social media can be a great equalizer because we can put out whatever image of ourselves we want to, but meet us in person, and we're not all slim and gorgeous and 30 or 40 years younger. It's too bad when people enjoy a person's online friendship and then they meet up, and the bubble is burst.