My son had a sea-side remembrance ceremony. I have a photo of his widow holding up my grandson, Rowan, with his parents (my older son and his wife) hovering near. There are a few other people in the photograph, but I removed everyone except Annie holding up Rowan and changed the color of her dress. While my thoughts are ever about the son that I lost, it is the living that I affirm.
I have a newsletter to finish today and a house to clean. My friend, Shelly is off running errands and taking care of some chores too. She has been staying with me since Tod died and I am so grateful for her presence. This is one time in my life when I truly did not want to be alone. Shelly is a kind, considerate person. I know she too has suffered many hurts in her lifetime, but she has emerged a caring and compassionate person- and a good friend.
Some people suffer great hurts in life and become bitter and spiteful. They think because they feel hurt that it gives them license to strike out at others. I wonder what the difference is? Why do some people become bitter and others become more sensitive and caring? I don't have any answer to that. I just know Shelly belongs to the later group and I am proud to call her my friend.