Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

News & Issues > Elderly Drivers

Elderly Drivers

Now I know that people are going to be pissed off or hate me now but I have to say this. I'm not trying to discriminate against my silver-haired friends because I love you all as much as the young puppies. When your eyesight and reflexes start to slow down and affect your judgment in driving, you need to rely on either public transportation or a friend/relative to get you places. Translation: When you do a California stop(slowing down at a stop sign and then proceeding thru it instead of stopping at it)please speed up when turning in front of a fast moving car instead of driving turtle speed. I've seen too many accidents happen that way. There's a little known fact that it's against the law to drive too slow as it is to drive too fast. I'm not picking on all elderly drivers because there are some that drive just fine. The ones I'm referring to are the ones that drive 30 MPH in a 55 MPH zone or the ones that do what I mentioned above with the California Stops. To me, that's as bad as driving drunk or driving while on a cell phone. I'm just for the safety of everyone, including the elderly. To end this post, I'll include a bumper sticker slogan I read once: "When I die I want to go in my sleep just like my grandfather and not like his passengers yelling and screaming."
'nuff said.

posted on Nov 20, 2008 12:03 PM ()


Here in east Tennessee I swear that blinkers are taken out of the cars at the dealership 'cause no one uses 'em here. To tell the truth, I've had to play "Dodge the Idiot" on my bike more often with young drivers than elderly. I can deal with slow, just not stupid drivers.
comment by jwrone on Nov 23, 2008 6:39 AM ()
Yeah..., well just the other day.. I pulled up beside some 80 (sumptin) year old man. We were driving down the highway. He was doing like 40, in a 55.. when everyone else was doing 75-85.. kinda pissed me off.

So I yell out my window... "Get off the fluccking road you prick... your gonna get someone "Killed"... He yelled back "What??". I yelled back.. "what are you deaf too?".. Speed up or get off the road"... Once again... (he puts his hand up by his ear) and yells back "What"!! So I flip him off... certainly he knew what that meant... he did, he yelled back "punk kids today"!!!

And this is the "bigger problem"... it's the "road rage" these older people have when being told what to do. So I just sped up, and got the hell outta there.....
comment by coincutter on Nov 22, 2008 8:13 PM ()
Well said
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 22, 2008 2:18 AM ()
Everybody notices how bad (some?)elderly drivers are, but if you mention it then you are an ageist!
comment by gtasahomo on Nov 21, 2008 9:22 AM ()
Yup Florida is full of lousy drivers all around, but I feel you when it comes to the q-tips (all you can see over the seat is a puff of white hair). When the snowbirds come down by me the accident average raises quite a bit!
comment by ducky on Nov 21, 2008 7:40 AM ()
California stops save gas! And, that bumper sticker must have gone all the way around the car!
comment by sunlight on Nov 20, 2008 8:17 PM ()
Ummm--it is the young drivers (under 50) that I see talking on their cell phones, not using signals, racing through yellow and red lights, etc
Come to Florida where EVERY other State sends their worst drivers--young and old!!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 20, 2008 5:19 PM ()
My favorites are the ones (much older than me) who drive on the interstate -- left lane (passing lane)-- 35-45 MPH with a 60-70 speed limit, and for miles and miles have their left turn signal on - next to the median divider barrier.
comment by oldfatguy on Nov 20, 2008 2:00 PM ()
My 84 yr old mother still drives, tho' she has cut back to only when necessary and not very far. I would not ride with her and fear for her safety and the safety of those around her. But I can't overcome her last hold on her independence. What you say is a legitimate concern and states ought to do more to monitor it.
comment by looserobes on Nov 20, 2008 1:49 PM ()
Not even sure how my grandfather died.
Good point.Even though I am an elderly driver,I see this all around me.
A lot of them do drive slow,reflex slow.You are not going to piss them off
they know this.Patience is virtue.
comment by fredo on Nov 20, 2008 12:20 PM ()
love that bumper sticker!!! and I agree... although around here it's a certain ethnicity that is VERY GUILTY of driving poorly. Across the board!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 20, 2008 12:19 PM ()
Everywhere you go you'll come across drivers like that. What bugs me lol is some elderlys I know, like grandpa who's knocking on 193 drives a brand new car which could easily do 0-60 in 6 seconds but yet drives in slug speed. Grandma takes the bus, she prefers the chatting, I just wish granpa would see the roads are not as slow as they were back in his day, to be honnest anybody is stupid to learn to drive these days - it's bedlam on the roads.
comment by lynnie on Nov 20, 2008 12:17 PM ()

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