Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Life & Events > Forgetful


I forgot to mention in my last post that we added a new family member. No not a human one but another pooch. Her name is Sophie and she's a pug. Yep now we have two pugs. Matilda(our border collie mix)is still around and they kind of have a love/hate relationship. Anyway here's how she came to live with us. When PD was at work back in November, this guy brought Sophie into the police station because animal control doesn't work on weekends and this was a Sunday. He was dressed in his church clothes and said he saw her at the junction of Highway 101 and Highway 18(for the vast majority unfamiliar with this area, this is kind of a gateway for people from Salem to visit the Oregon Coast.) He played the good samaritan and rescued her. PD fell imediately in love with her and chatted with me on Facebook to ask if I would mind her bringing her home to foster. I said yes(of course being the great guy I am)and we kept her overnight. When PD talked to the animal control officer the next morning, we had to give her up to the shelter because of rules and procedures. Plus the guy that found her wanted to adopt her if no one claimed her. Well the guy ended up being impatient because he didn't want to wait the five days and said to forget it. Close to the end the owner came forward but didn't want to pay the fines(animal at large, no dog license, boarding fees)they even gave her an additional five days to come up with the money but no dice. Long story short...the day before Thanksgiving we officially adopted little Sophie. Yes that was her name and she answers to it. When we fostered her, PD wanted to call her Pearl. But Sophie works. She's very cuddly like Benny(the other pug.) Best of all, we got a pug for 75.00 including rabies vacination and one year license. Can't beat that deal. She is four years old and spayed. Don't have to worry about puppies. Pics to come later.

'nuff said.

posted on Jan 21, 2010 10:12 AM ()

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