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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Today's Miracle Mind ? > Donnamarie's Comments

Donnamarie's Comments

I can see their point, but the timing seems so wrong. They may not get so much sympathy when there's so many people out of work/losing their jobs. Many might remark sarcastically that, even though there's no agreeable contract, at least they're working. Some might even say they'd be willing to accept a less than normally satisfying contract just to be able to work. I had hoped all of this would have worked out by now because this could be rather bumpy for the entertainment industry.
Comment on Actors Going on Strike Now?!?!? - Nov 22, 2008 4:47 PM ()
Great post, Richard! It never hurts to keep reminding people that there are people out there defending us right now and they, like those in the past, should be in our thoughts and prayers.
Comment on 1/2 Boy 1/2 Man (All Hero) - Nov 22, 2008 4:41 PM ()
I wouldn't want it to be that cold in Florida, either! No matter how warm it may be compared to colder places elsewhere, it's just not nice when it's too cold in Florida, especially way down in the southern part of the state. I know this can hit in the real winter, but it really is only autumn. I feel for you, I really do, and I wouldn't like it myself if I was there right now. (Just like I don't like the cold that's here right now!)
Comment on Will it Warm up in Winter? Enough is Enough! - Nov 22, 2008 4:15 PM ()
I have a relative who is just now trying to break into this line of work. She hasn't landed anything yet, so is working at a small retail shop in the city and has to share an apartment because she can't possibly afford one on her own. She loves it, though, and wants to give it an honest shot at it while she has the opportunity to do so. She's not so proud that she wouldn't return home and get a job somewhere if she has to, but she's determined not to consider quitting any time soon because she wants to be on that stage. She's accepted the fact that she'll probably be broke more often than not, even if she does work in a show, but she just loves it so much.
Comment on For Chris and Others Who Think All Actors Are Rich - Nov 22, 2008 4:10 PM ()
I think I'm going to read this! First, look at that beautiful french name. I like it enough to want to read her book. Next, Moosehead Lake... I know where it is, I've seen, that makes it strike a cord of interest. Third, slower read...winter's coming and this is when I like to "sink" into a book and get "involved" in a good I like the slower readers and the bigger novels from now until, let's say April or May. So, this is going on my "must read" list, but it will be on the January list for after the holidays when things really slow down and get cold.
Comment on Season of Ice by Diane Les Becquets - Nov 21, 2008 9:38 AM ()
I'm going to do the same thing...even though I'm not having Thanksgiving dinner here, I'm buying a turkey, roasting it, and dividing it up into freezer bags for all sorts of meals. Turkey is truly a meat that goes real far and, at current prices, it's one of the most cost efficient ways of coming up with at least one meal a week for a good stretch of time.
Comment on It Was Just One of Those Days! - Nov 21, 2008 9:14 AM ()
Yes, keep looking at it and working at it...if no one gives up, there may be room for the right thing to happen.
Comment on Latest California Development! - Nov 21, 2008 9:08 AM ()
Well, you did teach the kids to share!

Seriously, I do hope you're over this cold quickly and get feeling better again. I know about these kind of awful days and they can be more than miserable, but there really is a Santa Claus. If you believe in goodness at all, if you hold a place for children, smiles, and love in your heart, then Santa Claus really does exist...and you know that you know it!
Comment on Kids Shared! ... Their Cold! - Nov 21, 2008 8:56 AM ()
That's great! Glad to hear you are beginning to feel better!

I feel the same way about getting a turkey. I don't eat home on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but the price of turkeys is so low and one turkey can make a number of a variety of meals, that buying and cooking a turkey seems like a great investment. What's wrong with just buying to have a turkey anyway? It's not a meat strictly meant for a holiday meal, so it's certainly fine to have turkey anytime.
Comment on Getting Better! - Nov 21, 2008 8:51 AM ()
Wow, that is such a major project! It's good that it won't take more than a month or so for it all to get done, but it's too bad the cost keeps managing to go up. I know you want and need the stuff, but it doesn't make the cost any easier to pay...and it certainly doesn't make it an amount that one gets happy about. I am so sure that it will all look wonderful after it's done, though, and be so functionally efficient that you'll be glad you did it.
Comment on Expansion #3 - Nov 21, 2008 6:18 AM ()
The mere thought, added to the statistics, sickens me. Hatred and crimes committed against fellow human beings for no reason other than being different is the most incomprehensible things for me. Yeah, I understand the reasons people give for it, though I can not understand how a hatred can be so strong and driven that someone could possibly act on it in such a way, and usually on people they don't even know. I can almost see where movements/efforts to have laws/ordinances that would restrict rights and so forth (something I don't agree with, obviously), but I can not fathom the actual desire to personally and physically attack, injure, or murder other people. Like I said, it sickens me.
Comment on Never Forget Them - Nov 21, 2008 6:04 AM ()
There's something to be said about when and how and why to use "gizmos" and when and how and why not to. The "using" is what younger generations are really into and something may need to be done about the importance of interaction with others on a personal level and doing some functioning without the gizmos. Older generations are usually the ones that prefer not using gizmos and something may need to be done to get them to accept and utilize gizmos. All this while not giving up on their personal preferences. Those who are somewhat in the middle generation and some who might "spill over" into the younger way of thinking or the older way of thinking probably already have a balance.
Comment on Anti 'Gizmos/toys' Trend??? Lol - Nov 21, 2008 5:08 AM ()
Lists like that are always interesting to look over. Especially for me because I love lists so much.
Comment on Death Report (Thx Dale) - Nov 20, 2008 12:36 PM ()
Just reading some of your older posts that I missed. I couldn't help but want to leave a comment here because the question you asked sparked my attention and then the comment/answer that was left was so detailed and interesting. I'm sure glad I'm stubborn about reading old posts instead of just deleting the notifications...there's good stuff to be read!
Comment on Monday - Nov 20, 2008 12:33 PM ()
I think that's one of the nicer ways to play cards. That's making me smile, see? I'm not a fan of cards, but I don't mind a game of 500 rummy once in awhile or, when with the little nephews, Go Fish.
Comment on An Escape into Cards - Nov 20, 2008 12:30 PM ()

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