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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > Not So Great a Day

Not So Great a Day

I generally like Fridays because, aahhh, the weekend is right around the corner. This Friday, today, though, hasn't been so great.

Let me start by telling you that I got a phone call from my mom this afternoon telling me she was in the emergency room at the local medical center and waiting for the ambulance that would be transporting her to the emergency room at the hospital. She was brief, but thorough in explaining that she was experiencing many of the same symptoms she had experienced a number of years ago when she had her heart attack, although there was no pain, tightness, or squeezing like she remembered from that experience. Because she was sweating profusely, felt that "certain I'll never forget it" feeling of nauseousness that made her feel that she would either vomit or pass out at any minute, and was at an extremely elevated level of anxiety (even before symptoms reached the "what's wrong with me" level) and, because of her past heart-related history, it was felt she should go to the hospital for observation, possibly overnight even if things look to be ok or prove to be something else. So, Mom is laying in the hospital right now, Dad had to drive himself home, and I'm sitting here waiting to hear something and to formulate plans for what I'll be doing tonight because Dad can not stay alone overnight.

I don't have the car today and Edie doesn't get home from work until about 9:30, so it may be a late heading out time for me. Dad is willing to come pick me up, but I'd hate to see him have to negotiate getting to and from the car with his walker again and driving in the dark (because it's already dark). The earlier he comes, the heavier the traffic. The later he comes, the darker it will be and he'd end up being on his own for supper anyway. He hasn't expressed a need to go to the hospital, although that's a possibility, but that would require him coming to get me in order for me to be able to get him there, and that will have to be done in the "earlier" with the traffic or it will be rather too late for him to go if we wait. I guess I'll be talking to him shortly to try to put plans together. Oh, well, I'm sure something can be figured out.

Less importantly, but what was a part of my day leading up to the time of the phone call was a series of things that weren't making today the greatest day. A check that I was sure would come in today's mail did not come in. I was so counting on it so I would have it to deposit tomorrow morning, but now the best I can hope for is depositing it on Monday. Oh, well, it's only money.

I also planned to get a number of different things accomplished today, like cleaning the bedroom window and changing the curtains in there. Well, that never happened because I was being bombarded today with calls on the business phone, so I could never find the needed time for the chore, so another day lost in the pursuit to clean windows and change curtains plan I put into place. Oh, well, life and happiness is not dependant on windows and curtains.

Then, just how stupid could I be? I wanted to post a piece today with some photos in it. Rather than print out pictures to scan in (which I do on occasion), I decided to put the memory card into the picture maker within the copier/scanner machine I have connected to the computer instead. Except...oh, this is really STUPID...I realized too late that I was putting the memory card into the wrong slot. When I went to pull it away, the card slipped out from my fingers, went into the much-too-big slot, and disappeared. I actually heard it fall down somewhere within the bowels of the machine and I can not see it from any angle or through any opening anywhere on the machine. It's a brand new memory card, less than a month old, because our other memory card was corrupted! I don't think there's more than 30 pictures on it! Oh, well, there must be a way to get inside of that all-enclosed component that's securely built into the machine, right? Oh, I'm pretty sure that Edie is going to be less than happy about this! Oh, well, I've been in trouble before and I'm sure I'll be in trouble again, so I'm ready for the onslaught.

So, what should follow this and just barely precede the phone call from my mother? A phone call from my brother that consisted of a conversation that included a bit of a lecture from him. Oh, he wasn't mad at me or anything like that, so he wasn't yelling or cursing or anything bad. He was addressing something I had said to him about myself (well, more on my feelings on a certain subject that includes me) that really wasn't quite the right thing for me to say, so he addressed it. The addressing was lecturing, but it really was justified and intended to actually set me straight so I could feel better about some things that I was fretting over. I needed to hear it and he knew it, but it still wasn't a great thing to have to deal with. Oh, well, the lecture did do me some good.

I think this is where I was going to be adding the picture of the flowers my brother sent me. They fully opened a few days ago and I wanted to be sure to get a picture before they started to wilt, so I took a couple of pictures and was going to show the flowers off in today's post. But, of course, there is no picture of flowers because I can not get a picture of the flowers in here....because I stupidly dropped the memory card into....oh, sorry, I already told you about that. Oh, well, take my word for it, the flowers were very beautiful and, with any luck, I might be able to retrieve that memory card, upload the picture, and post it at a later date.

Oh, sorry, I had to take a pause for a moment because the phone rang, and I could only hope that it wasn't something "not so great" to add to my list. Well, it was my dad and he is now suggesting that maybe we should go up to the hospital. Well, I'm going to call the hospital first and get some kind of a status report, then I'll call him back and we'll make whatever plans from there. Wish me luck on this not-too-great-a-day and, please, if you don't mind, say a prayer for my mom.

posted on Nov 14, 2008 3:19 PM ()


Just read this post and indeed not a great day Donna. I notice the next post is already "in" as well and will comment there. hugs
comment by itsjustme on Nov 17, 2008 12:30 AM ()
Oh, annie, things have gotten better! I also have given an update in my latest post that pretty much explains how and why things are better. Thank you for being so encouraging and hopeful!
comment by donnamarie on Nov 16, 2008 8:11 AM ()
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope it's nothing serious. I'm also sorry to hear that you did not have a good day yesterday. I hope, by the time that you read this message, that you are doing well and that your mom is well and out of the hospital.
comment by hopefields on Nov 15, 2008 11:23 PM ()
It was a bad day. Should have been Friday the 13th, but it is a leap year so it was the 14th.
comment by jondude on Nov 14, 2008 7:14 PM ()

Ok, today stunk. Tomorrow is another day. Sure to be better
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 14, 2008 6:10 PM ()
I'm sorry to hear you're having such a bad day. I hope your mom is OK and feeling better soon.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 14, 2008 6:00 PM ()
I am sorry to hear of your troubles. Hopefully things aren't serious with your mom. Hang in there, Donna. And ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))
comment by busymichmom on Nov 14, 2008 5:11 PM ()
I've had days like that. They begin bad and get worse. Here's hoping tomorrow is better. Will remember your Mom tonight when I say my evening prayers.
comment by redimpala on Nov 14, 2008 4:33 PM ()

Hope your mom is okay! This is the 3rd blog I have read today about sick moms
comment by greeneyedgemini on Nov 14, 2008 3:56 PM ()
(((hugs))) HOpe your mom is better soon and I'm sorry you had one of those days...
comment by firststarisee on Nov 14, 2008 3:49 PM ()
(((Hugs))) to you Donna. You are without a doubt having a bad day. Thank goodness this is just one day and hopefully tomorrow will be much much better. Keep us informed about your Mom. I hope she is okay.
comment by anniel on Nov 14, 2008 3:22 PM ()

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