First, and most important, my mom is home from the hospital and feeling better. As she put it, just being home makes her feel better. The hospital did keep her overnight for observation and ran a number of tests to determine whether something was wrong with her heart or not. The tests pretty much ruled it out, but they wanted to watch her for a bit anyway, and they did run another couple of tests to further examine her aorta, which also showed "things" to be ok. Although there had been some talk about keeping her until Sunday, they found no reason to keep her over for another night, so they suggested that Mom go home if she felt she was ready. Of course she was ready! And, this couldn't have happened at a better time because that's when Dad and I were there visiting with her! So, we were able to help her get ready, gather her stuff, and take her home with us! We were all back at my parents apartment by 5:00, in time for me to cook them something for supper. I stayed with them until Edie came to pick me up after she got out of work at 9:00, and I did a load of laundry for them, checked their mail, did the dishes, and ran a scan on Mom's computer for her while I was there.
Now, as far as that memory card from my camera...the one I accidentally dropped into the picture making machine part of my scanner/printer and "lost" in the bowels of what seemed to be a completely sealed unit. Well, it turns out that while I was staying overnight with my dad, Edie was able to retrieve the card from the machine! Hooray! And, by the way....this is pretty neat, too... Edie ended up getting out of work early (5:00 instead of 9:00) on Friday, so she was able to bring me to my Dad's (instead of me stressing over how I was going to accomplish orchestrating transportation) AND, on the way to my dad's when I told Edie about the memory card and anticipating some level of her being upset with me, she wasn't mad or upset at all! Instead, what I got was her saying that I shouldn't worry, that she would take a look at it when she got home, and she'd try to figure something out. When I called her later in the night to wish her a good night, she told me that she had already gotten the card out of the machine and it was back in the camera...totally unharmed.
The check that I was expecting? Well, when I finally got home last night and was able to check the mail for whatever came in the Saturday mail delivery, I found that check in the short stack of mail I brought in! So, although it was a day later than expected, I know the check is in and that it will still be deposited in time for what I need the money for. (Because of the things that had happened on Friday that changed the "flow" of my weekend, even if the check had come in when I originally expected it, I wouldn't have been able to deposit it any sooner than the time I will now be depositing the check, so it's arrival date didn't make any difference.)
Now, that I'm back home and things appear to be ok, I might be able to tend to some of those chores and things that I didn't get to on Friday and, with no place to go to today, I might even get something accomplished today! Wouldn't that be nice?
My brother and I have spoken on the phone a couple of times since the conversation we had on Friday and all is fine...there has been no more lecturing or any lecturing of any kind necessary. It's rare for us to have converations like that, so it's great knowing that we are back to normal in the communication department again.
And, speaking of my brother, that reminds me of the flowers he sent me awhile back AND, because the memory card from the camera has been retrieved, I can now present a picture of those flowers!

Thx keeping us informed.