I've been in and out of mybloggers quite frequently over the last few days, reading and commenting like crazy! But, I've been busy around this place I call home quite a lot, too, which is why I haven't posted anything lately.
I figured it was time for me to stop whining about all the things that needed to be done and to just get busy and get them done. With the normal routine things that also need to be done each day, plus doing my phone work, of course, I can still only manage to get bits of things done by the end of each day. But, bit by bit, things are getting done, and some bits are bigger than others.
Besides the usual daily dish washing, bed making, mail checking, meal prepping, and all the other chores that need doing as needed, like bathroom cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, and hauling out of trash, I think I've been doing pretty good. Not great, not yet, but good. As more and more gets done, I get more motivated, so I'm thinking my progress should be reaching the level of great sometime soon.
So, besides those routine things I've mentioned, what have I accomplished? Well, I got the mattress turned and all new bed linens put on. I got all my photo albums pulled out, all the travel/vacation ones straightened and organized, and placed nice and neatly on the shelving unit that I completely dusted and cleaned. I have placed the "people, party, socializing memory picture" albums on a spare table that's in an out-of-everybody's-way location so that I can straighten and organize them like I did with the others.
The air conditioner, which was taken out of the window over a month ago and was being stored in the cellarway, has been completely cleaned and washed and the cord all pulled together neatly. It has temporarily been placed in the corner of the kitchen until tomorrow when Edie and I will be carrying it and placing it in the storage area of the closet we keep it in. And, all our too summery clothes that we won't be wearing again until sometime next year that I had already taken from our bedroom closet and drawers and neatly placed in the spare room have all been placed on hangers and covered with protective covering and hung in the spare room closet.
I can't remember if I mentioned that we now have a new area rug for the living room, which will be great on that floor that gets so cold in the winter. It will fit just nicely in the center of the room with all the furniture around it, but I've been wanting to give the floor (every square inch) a good cleaning before laying the carpet. I haven't had the chance to do that yet :O( but I did get some backing/padding that I want to put down first, so I'm kind of glad I hadn't already unrolled the rug. By the way, I also have some new seat covers so that the now-starting-to-look-shabby couch and easy chair will have a nice new look.
I did make up my mind that I am not going to work as a travel agent anymore. I will still help friends and family because I still enjoy making travel arrangements, but will now do it as a hobby if and when opportunities arise. Because of this decision, I was able to dispose of one very large box of maps and was surprised to find so many duplicates and obviously outdated ones. Then, I cleared my brochure tower of all un-needed brochures, booklets, and other literature, keeping only the things that I might need for myself or when doing my "hobby" by helping others. I already have big plans for that tower, which will help eliminate one (maybe two) of the cluttering problems here.
Today, just like that little guy up there in the graphic, I washed a couple of windows. I did the bedroom window and the spare room window, which is really a combination office and storage room and the biggest mess of the apartment. I not only washed the glass, but the blinds and all the frames and the sills, too. I put some fresh curtains up in the spare room after ironing them and I will hang the drapes in the bedroom tomorrow. I washed them by hand today and they are hanging up to dry right now.
So, I'm pretty proud of myself. Hey, I even took a couple of loads of clothes to the laundromat and did some grocery shopping this week in the midst of all that other stuff. So, being able to come into mybloggers as I have been doing makes me feel that I am not being cheated out of some down time and, look at me now...I did find some time for posting something of my own after all!