Bobby Depp


Bobby Depp
Calgary, AB
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The Depp Boys

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > Devil' Spawn

Devil' Spawn

That's my nickname for my beloved 6 year old daughter.

Two weeks ago, she started the next level in swimming lessons. It looked like she did well in the lesson, but came out of the water crying.

We skipped lessons last Sunday because the weather & roads were too bad.

DD has been freaking out about swimming lessons ever since. She cries and whines and asks how many lessons are left, and then freaks out over the number...

Drag her to lessons this morning, and we are 20 minutes early, and I am treated to 20 minutes of I hate you mom, I'm going to hit you, I'm running away from home, I hate you, how many lessons are left, why won't you tell me, if you don't tell me I will hit you, why aren't you answering me (I don't answer when you talk to me that way), I hate you, she hits me a few times, and on and on with the I hate you talk.

I have to drag her by the arm over to the instructor, and she's freaking out and I walk away to the far end of the pool and hide.

I watch parts of her lesson. She's not crying. She's doing fine. She even jumps off the diving board together with the instructor, holding his hand.

She comes out of the pool happy.

I'm a wreck.

posted on Feb 6, 2011 10:04 AM ()


Excuse me for saying this, but why do you permit her to hit you?
comment by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:30 AM ()
Because we are in public, with people watching her drama and you tend to get in trouble for what I felt like doing to her.
reply by crazylife on Feb 8, 2011 9:02 PM ()
I thought that stuff didn't start until the teen years. Shows what little I know about these things.
comment by troutbend on Feb 6, 2011 3:53 PM ()
The teen years will be hell.
reply by crazylife on Feb 8, 2011 9:02 PM ()
and I'll bet she never told you what happened at the first lesson that made her cry.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 6, 2011 12:18 PM ()
She has so many episodes that I didn't ask, didn't want to know.
reply by crazylife on Feb 8, 2011 9:04 PM ()

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