I can't stress(say)this enough (because if you don't make games, you don't know) Even these simple graphics can take "hours" each. Once created (graphics.. small icon like) they become building blocks for your program (Think of Lego Blocks... alot look alike, but the variation you can make is enormous).. You then plug them in. Take a game like "Sonic the Hedgehog, or even Mario". You will see the same "elements, plugged in again and again".. Thats because on the "programming end" there are massive limitations
Computers progressed.. more detail (and resolution) is possible. Right now, I am capable "artistic, as well as programming" to make an "awesome game". I may get stuck at times... (slow me down).. but I will make a "kick ass game" (1-2 year completion time).
If you could see what I have done now (on my puter) you would be impressed. I can't even show it due to "when any high res image in the program (for a post on MyBloggers), it loses most all clarity". What you see, and what it is are two different things.
Anyway.. this is like the most important thing to me right now (Besides my kids).. Have you ever noticed.. people get good at what they "LIKE" to do!
The picture is a simple NEW tileset. They become pieces in the game. Like "Legos, building blocks.. lol. These are new... but why do I write.. because I want you to see the progress,,, and. AND if anyone wants to join the project (if capable) they are welcome.
This program already is cool.. someday.. will be awesome...
Gary :)