This is another post I didn't want to write yet, but decided it may be good.
It's about the video game I am working on. Now, if you look at the pictures it doesn't look like much now (and it isn't really).. what is cool to me, is I have all "tools in place", code, level maps.. alot. I have been working on tiles, and putting them in place. Basically what this means.. "I got some of the hardest parts done".. creating levels shouldn't be that tough now. When I draw a tile "32 x 32".. I can plug it into my game map wherever I want. My maps will be 2048 x 2048 pixels (each).
I am setup where I can have "multiple scrolling" backgrounds at different speeds. I can make the game "hi-res" and alot more (animation, multimedia, all that). I promise, this will be a "very professional" game when done. All graphics will be "hand drawn".. and I have alot already...
Now, the main setup is done. It's more "work on graphics, collision detection.. things like that. Gameplay aspects.
This is definetely my "main project"! I expect a year+ (maybe 2) to complete. It's not gonna be some "simple 1 screen game".. it will be big. Actually I have 5 or 6 forground screens in place. The graphics.. each tile is carefully drawn. But they will be "refined and refined more".. to make it awesome looking. You can't tell by the pics.. but it looks decent now.. but not awesome (Needs layers of background.. refined tiles.. etc..
This is your FIRST look at a game in development. I will update you from time to time...
Gary :)