Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Now in South Dakota

Now in South Dakota

Just to update you, we're now in South Dakota. We've been here 2 days now.

I am on Matt's laptop computer (Matt is Dawn's-Butterfly on Blogster- son). Everyone is someplace else, so I am here alone with this computer right now.

We do have pictures, but we won't be able to post any till we get home. I expect that to be Tuesday or Wednesday.

We took 2 days getting here. We went through Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and finally South Dakota. Dawn's family moved to a different place here. We went the way Mapquest suggested. Last time it was a whole different way. We went through Iowa then, this time Minnesota. I liked this way better. Minnesota is an awesome place for scenery. Tons of "toll" roads this way, but worth it to me.

So far we basically only have pics of the trip here. We got some where we crossed the "Mississippi river" between Wisconsin and Minnesota. That was really an awesome place, and so far the "scenery" highlight.

Sebastian was "GREAT" the entire trip. We made a few stops for diper changes and such (as expected). He rarely cried or anything. He has always loved car rides. We knew that, but this was a 2 day car ride,, lol. I expected him to have frequent problems, but he didn't. We also stopped at rest areas now and then, so he (and we) could get out and relax a little. The trip could have been done in 1 day (1 long day), but we took 2. Just to break it up. We drove around 8 hours each day.

Roxann's kids were a different story. As expected, they argued and fought the entire way. They are 16 and 14, and fight worse then a married couple.. lol.

Before this trip, I had never been to "Minnesota". I've been in a ton of states (with my work), but never there. I have to say, I was really impressed with the state in general. The first thing I saw (after we crossed the Mississippi river) was beautiful mountains, great scenery, an awesome "welcome to Minnesota" rest stop. Hell they had 700 (the lady said) fliers/free literature of things in the state. It's really an awesome place, I wish the pics (which we will post later) could show it all. I have looked at what we have, and to be honest they don't do the place justice.

So we're driving through Minnesota, and see a semi truck in the other lane. It was carrying something, we weren't sure what. Roxann said "Looks like a giant windmill blade". It was.. lol.. as we soon found out. We soon came across thousands (and I mean this literally) of giant windmills. I got some literature later, and found out they were like 475 feet tall (just the tower, without the blades). Hell with the blades they gotta be 600 or so feet. From what I read, an average sized city can be completely powered by 10-12 of them. So fucking cool to me!!

Ok, I live in Michigan (as most of you know). Can you tell me this.. "Why, if an underdeveloped state (such as Minnesota) can have such a cool/great power source,can't states like Michigan have that"? Serious, I've been all over Michigan. We have NOTHING like that. It's fucking politics, you know that. Gawd Damn, If we all took our lead (thoughts) from Minnesota, we'd soon be able to take care of ourselves. Yes, I know wind power is not "oil", but it's the thinking process (Minnesota has) we need. I say, lets get our ass away from the power companies, the oil companies, and damn sure away from the "turbin wearing, camel jockeys". Hey, I am not preduice. Not every "allah" praying idiot is a terrorist. I know that. But as an overall thing, I don't trust the fucckers as far as I can spit. So to put it this way, I am not preduice, but I will "stereotype". I don't want this country having to rely on the Muslems. Love or hate me for what I say, but at least I speak my mind.

Now, this brings me to another thought. I am not against "trade" with foreign countries. I can "guarentee", you have something in your house that says "made in China". Hell, you could be homeless, and still have something that was made in China. I really have no problem with that. I like trade with countries, so long as we are not "dependant" on them. Consider this, what do we get from China? Cheap ass toys for our kids, junk keychains or whatever. Basically, nothing we have to rely on. We could say "F,U" China at any time. Cause we don't need the stuff. We'd do just fine. However, think on this. China's ecomony relies on selling their chit to us. Now if we suddenly restricted trade, or pulled out complete, they'd be in "chaos" their ecomony depends on us. So that means, we are in a very good position. Right now, China won't threaten war with us. Their people would starve. So in essence, I support trade, so long as we are not "dependant" on it. If we become dependant on any trade (such as oil), we need to start looking to ourselves more.

Now many Americans will say "don't buy that Chinese crap, it's taking our jobs". This is "true", but there is a bigger picture. Our political leaders want trade with these countries for the reasons I said above. The problem is, we give them way too much. Trade, I say yes. But lets make it "Free and equal" trade. Chit, those people can pay kids $1 a day, to make "NIKE" shoes. Maybe pay cheaper, if they enslave the dudes.. lol. We can't do that. So if I was a politician, I would encourage trade, but try to make it more equal. I'd defenitely work towards getting off our dependance with the arab flucks. Hell, we got more then them (If you count Alaska and Canada). I'd be tapping our own resources, or at least our generally friendly resource friends.

Ok, yes I got off on a tangent. Yes I know, the last chit wasn't about "South Dakota" at all. It was however important.. lol.

I'll update you later. It's Thursday. Roxann's Birthday. Not sure what we'll do for that yet. Feels like a daycare center here. LOL... We have our baby (Sebastian), and Dawn and Lloyd have their twi babies. Sebastian is about 5 months old, they are 2.5 months. Most of the time, all are here. Kinda funny, Sebastian is the "Big" kid here.. lol.

Guess I'm out for now. Check Roxann's blog for her info. We'll both say things from different perspectives. I may not write again till after the wedding, and when we're home.

Laterz, Gary :)

posted on Aug 28, 2008 12:20 PM ()


Actually, there is a wind farm being built in the eastern thumb area of Michigan. It is a very cool concept. They ran a tv news story on it a couple of months ago.
comment by busymichmom on Aug 28, 2008 11:01 PM ()
We have them in Wisconsin too...they're huge...our neighbors are just copying us!
comment by strider333 on Aug 28, 2008 7:09 PM ()
LYNETTE, Lynette, lynette.... No it's NOT, my wedding. It's some old Blogster friends (Butterfly and her guy Lloyd). Besides, I can't marry Roxann. I am still married to "Debbie" (another blogster). Of course I am not with Debbie (Busymidmichmom- or something similar), I still can't marry without a divorce first.

To be honest however, I never plan to marry again. I think it flucks with womens heads, makes em crazy. It's like, a man gives a ring, she feels he's "TRAPPED" for good! Nope, I prefer to have "sex" on demand... not beg for it!!!
comment by coincutter on Aug 28, 2008 1:12 PM ()
Your trip to minesota sounds like a trip to Holand lol
...(((Wedding))) whos wedding - yours?? first I heard of this, let me say ((((((((CONGRATULATIONS)))))))) to you both
comment by lynnie on Aug 28, 2008 1:01 PM ()
Yeah those windmills are amazing...I have seen them up close..
And why Minnesota has them and not MI... because it has not been over developed...MI on the other hand is over developed...and probably could not be anyhing like Minnesota...
comment by sybilmariee on Aug 28, 2008 12:38 PM ()

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