Alright, I guess I am writing this for the "younglings" in here. I want to give (percentage wise) your "chances" of internet endevors. I have invaluable experience in this area...
Ok, If you ask a chick (aka Hot Babe) for a naked pic. You actually have a 50/50 chance. See, women are "Voyers" also (just like you). They kinda like to look, do, even be looked at. Just they want to feel safe. If you ask the chick (best if she lives far away), for a "Naked pic", you just may get it! Just be "COOL" dude, make sure she is comfortable with your BS (Bullshit) before you ask.
Let's assume you want to see her naked, on your webcam, right in your living room! Ok, harder, not impossible. This one takes "patience". I'd say you got about a 25% (25/75) chance. That's if you do all cool. First, don't "SCARE" her. Don't let on that your the pervert you are. Women kinda hate that. Patience.. slowely draw her in.. and soon she will be masterbating to you on the web cam. Foreign chicks the best pick and easiest.
What if you "really" want to get laid. Dude man, this one is easy. Do you know, women are as "Horney" as us really. It's true, they just have better control. They want to screw a smooth talking guy, as much as you want them. Just go to a "local chat". Find some babe and talk a few weeks (aka lie).. soon, you won't have to "invite" her over. She'll cum (over)on her own.. lol.
Damn,, I'm so good, I amaze myself.. LOL.
Ok. Lets assume your a "panty sniffer" (such as myself). I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the "Femorones", maybe it's "thrill", of just talking them into that. I don't know, your "perversion is yours".. anyway, what I know.. is you have an 80% chance of some internet chick sending you her panties. TRUE, and she'll even pay the postage!!!
So you ask... now why in the hell would a woman do that???
Ok, I will say...
1) You asked, and she liked you from prevoius chats
2) She feels "SAFE" (Like the keyword for women). They like to have fun.. WHEN THEY FEEL SAFE!
3) You may be getting your "rocks off" knowing your sniffing her worn panties, but to be honest, she is also.. thinking a dude is thinking of her that way (trust me, wems is complex.. lol)
I guess I could go on, I won't. I kinda just wanted to give a "Basic guide" to the guys here. Direct any further questions to me,, I will answer. REDUCED RATE... Just .99 cents an answer !! :)