Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Gary Needs Advice?

Gary Needs Advice?

I'm (and Roxann also) are getting pretty pissed at her kids. I really don't know what to do. I would like "any advice" you have. I know I've wrote about it before.

For over a month now, they have been told to rake the yard. Put the leaves in leaf bags. Now they really don't have to do "shit" around here.. and what they are asked to do they hardly do it. To me, it's like "they feel they can get away" with anything.. because they will simply get yelled at a few minutes. Personally, I want to take a "harsher" edge to this thing. But also, I want "family balance". I don't like hearing yelling all the time. I don't like to yell, I don't like hearing others yell. Now the kids (16 and 13) yell and fight constantly. That gets their mom yelling often, and me on occasion.

Now if you have read my blogs.. you might think I am "quick" to go "OFF". Actually I am not, I am very passive in real life. Passive, but opinionated. I rarely get upset.. but when I DO.. there is no mistaken I am mad.. lol.

Well.. Roxann just a few minutes ago, was yelling at the kids to finish the yard. They complained again... "It's raining"! Yes it is, and the past 3 hours they were told to work on it they goofed around and did nothing. So....

I got into it this time. Not in a mild way. I told them both (Top of my lungs even) to get their butts out there and finish they yard!! I said, if you don't... I'll get pissed...

Well they are out there doing the yard. They keep coming in making excuses "why" they don't need to do more. Like it's raked enough.. the bags are wet (it's just a mild sprinkle right now). They tried pleading to "mom" to let them stop.. and I got loud again...

Ok... so peeps.. what do I do. I want to keep the calm, but I have absolutely no problem getting "loud" and mad, if I need too...

Later all, Gary

PS, like my new avatar.. I been working out lately :)

posted on Nov 12, 2008 2:08 PM ()


Hey guys, lets go outside and rake some leaves and then join em in quality family time. If you join em they'll be more likely to follow the example. It could be some quality family time...asked them question while raking...have a leave fight...tell jokes, these are things I remeber as a kid...nothing like jumping into a pile of leaves...sheet, my parents set the example and we were glad to join em...
comment by strider333 on Nov 12, 2008 7:33 PM ()
Well seeing how you are not their father they're not going to listen to you no matter how loud or long you yell. That being said though there should be some ground rules laid, especially by Roxann. The kids should be made aware of their responsibilities and made it understood that if they expect certain privileges then they need to earn them, not take for granted that they will get for what they ask for.
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 12, 2008 5:53 PM ()
My comments reflect a time gone bye when a look was all it took. The"kids" are l6 and l3. They rule you. Kindly ask them, that if they would like to move out that you will gladly make the reservations for them and will ;pay their first months rent. The state that you are living in will inform you of the consequences of your actions.
comment by theprofessor on Nov 12, 2008 4:59 PM ()
well the kids need to know there are consequences for their behavior, spelled out to them in advance. I remember many a screaming match with my older two Gary. Kids just like to push the boundaries. my best advice, sit down with roxann and the two of you come to a solution.
comment by elkhound on Nov 12, 2008 2:48 PM ()
Take privileges away from them every time they don't listen...that may help ...good luck Gary...
Ahh kids a real slice of heaven!!
comment by sybilmariee on Nov 12, 2008 2:27 PM ()
Ah, kids.... the best form of birth control EVER!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 12, 2008 2:15 PM ()

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