Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Feels like Home ...

Feels like Home ...

Coming back online feels like home again. Although this is not Blogster, most everybody is here from there. I've decided, my future posts will be here. It was so nice to see my old friends here, and read their comments on my (first 2) posts. Really, I didn't expect anybody to see my posts. I've been offline, this is a new place to me.. so yes, feels like "Home" again...

Other news.. If you read my last post, I didn't think I would do Meridian mall in Lansing Michigan. I decided I would. I plan to call Danny after I write this and say I'll be there. I'm just gonna do Sat and Sun (rather then the whole show). I'm sure he'll let me. As a general rule, crafters are not allowed to do that. I tend to "break" the rules a bit more then most, and get away more often.. lol. I really don't think it will be a problem. I would have to stay at his house (I doubt a problem either), so I think plans are set. The only thing this really means is we will postpone going to South Dakota by a few days. Not a big deal either. We could use some extra money going there. This mall is one of the best in the state of Michigan.

There are "Two" things I want to take to South Dakota. Butterfly's (from Blogster) son Matt loved "Blue Faygo" pop when he came. They can't get that there. It's like a huge Michigan thing. He loves the "Blue Faygo" so we will be taking some. The other thing is "Koegels". Koegels is the best hot dog in the world. Made right here, in Flint Michigan. You really can't get it anywhere else. Almost every restraunt in this area has a sign saying "WE SERVE KOEGELS". Most people here will not eat a hot dog if it's not Koegel. I'm serious, it's probably the biggest thing Flint has.. lol... true. Listen, a Koegel dog is so far better. Did you know, the "Ball Park frank", or basically any other dog uses the "scrap meat". I've been in these places, I know what's in those. They are like, oh, this pig has a little meat left around the snout, a little near his cock. Hey it's all meat, lets make a "hotdog".. lol. This is a true story kiddies, believe me. If you knew what is in the "hotdog" you eat, you'd puke! Serious. Now Koegels (on the other hand) has the highest standard in the country. It's not crap, it's quality, great tasting, and absolutely the best! Anyway, We'll take a big box of Koegels, and some Blue Faygo for Matt. I believe now, we'll leave right after I finish this show in Lansing.

Ok, called Danny. It's all set up. I am doing the show in Lansing. It's one of the busiest malls in Michigan, and we will be in "Center Court" (middle of the mall). It should be great! There is only room for 3 displays in center court. I am now one (confirmed). I will be staying at Danny's house (the show promoter). I feel kinda bad however, they had another guy set to be there. Once I said I was IN, he got kicked out. Kinda sucks, as I don't like things to go that way. The truth however is this. Every promoter is out for their own ass. I am well established, good at what I do, and desired by most promoters as I draw people to the events. I know this, always have. I know Danny probably put it to the other guy this way. You can be "Center Court", unless the coincutter comes. He probably liked that. I'm sure he will get a decent spot, just not center. Danny wants me there, as people watch me work.. and draws to his booth.

Ok, guess I am out for a few. I wanna see if anyone is chatting (or does), and check some other things. Until we get my computer here there are 4 people fighting for online time,, lol. So some household member may boot me.. lol. No worries, once mine comes here.. I can be on whenever I want!

Take care all,

posted on Aug 20, 2008 7:18 PM ()


Mmmmm...snouts and c*cks. And I thought they were lips and a$$holes. Tasty but if I ever make it to Michigan I may try a koegel and a Blue Faygo. I wish that beer could be shipped. I would trade some Rogue Dead Guy Ale for some Blue Faygo.
comment by draco on Aug 29, 2008 3:19 PM ()
Thanks Gary!! I added you my friend!! It is so good to hear from you again!!
comment by texastar on Aug 21, 2008 6:53 PM ()
I still haven't bought any of your work, I hold my head in shame.
I'll live in sin until I do
comment by lynnie on Aug 21, 2008 9:57 AM ()
Still have AND wear my GREATMARTIN coin necklace!!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 20, 2008 7:54 PM ()
So glad you are back Gary!! I am still on here and on blogster. I am Texastar here and chihuahualover on blogster.
comment by texastar on Aug 20, 2008 7:32 PM ()

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